Faster3ck / Converseen

Converseen is a batch image converter and resizer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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4 versions of "Joint Photograpihic Experts Group JFIF format" but not JXL format!! #152

Closed RafaelLinux closed 7 months ago

RafaelLinux commented 8 months ago


Among all possible image format, there is a lot that are the same (distinct extension, but same format) as .jpg, .jpeg, .jpc or .jpe. However, Converseen show them all in distinct lines, as if they were distinct formats. I think all them should be in a row, letting user to choose extension later.

However, a really important distinct version from same experts group - but distinct algorithm - , is not available: JXL

Please, add this format too and simplify those lines referencing same format.

Thank you


Faster3ck commented 7 months ago


Since Converseen uses only ImageMagick as its image manipulation library, readable and writable formats are handled directly by the libraries. Unfortunately, on the various Linux distributions ImageMagick may or may not support certain image formats either because ImageMagick was compiled to support certain libraries, or because it may support libraries that have to be installed manually by the user according to their needs. Since I cannot know in advance which libraries have been installed on the user's distribution I am forced to leave the handling of readable/writable formats directly to ImageMagick including the handling of various jpeg formats.

As for the jxl format, this again depends on the individual distributions and how ImageMagick was compiled. On ArchLinux, for example, you simply need to install the libjxl library from repositories to enable support while on distributions like Ubuntu this library is not even present within the official repos. This aspect unfortunately also complicates being able to include this library in the Snap and AppImage versions of the program since they are Ubuntu-based.

Anyway, I am currently working on including jxl within the AppImage, Snap and Flatpak versions of Converseen. :)

RafaelLinux commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your detailed explanation!

On the one hand, I think that given the number of formats available, for usability reasons, it would be very interesting to change the format selection mode. It occurs to me, for example, that it could be like when exporting from GIMP: The user types the extension and automatically the system selects the appropriate format.

On the other hand, I use openSUSE Tumbleweed, that supposedly always have latest stable versions of applications. However, Converseen version is 0.9.11, so I choose AppImage (of course) version.

I checked jxl and ImageMagick

S | Name                  | Type    | Version   | Arch   | Repository
i | gdk-pixbuf-loader-jxl | paquete | 0.8.2-2.1 | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)
i | gimp-plugin-jxl       | paquete | 0.8.2-2.1 | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)
i | libjxl0_8             | paquete | 0.8.2-2.2 | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)
i | libjxl0_8-x86-64-v3   | paquete | 0.8.2-2.2 | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)
i | ImageMagick               | paquete | | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)
i | ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE | paquete | | x86_64 | Repositorio principal (OSS)

In fact, it's supposed my system have ImageMagick with JXL support ....

~> magick identify -list format | grep JXL
      JXL* JXL       rw+   JPEG XL (ISO/IEC 18181) (libjxl 0.8.2)

So, unfortunately, I think I need to wait you get to include JXL necessary libraries inside AppImage.

Thank you for your great work.

Faster3ck commented 7 months ago

Hi, I've added JXL support in the new release of Converseen AppImage: Converseen-

I'll be adding the options to manage this format as soon as possible! :)

RafaelLinux commented 7 months ago

Hello Faster3ck

I just downloaded and checked new format option as default (thanks!!!). However, something is not working fine: Output JXL file is only 60B! :(

UPDATE: That AppIMage version is failing with WebP too!!! :(

Faster3ck commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much for your feedback, actually to add the jxl format I had to put additional libraries in the AppImage which may have broken something. I will try to fix the problem as soon as possible!

Faster3ck commented 7 months ago

Hi, I have completely updated the AppImage version and all formats including JXL.

I have tested this version on various Linux distributions including opensuse tumbleweed and everything seems to work perfectly!

Here you can find the link to download it: Converseen-

Let me know if everything works correctly!

RafaelLinux commented 7 months ago

Now it works perfectly!!! Anyway, please, for usability, take into account the possibility to "group" all "joint Photographic ..." and create a subselect ... maybe I should add a feature request ..