FasterXML / jackson-modules-java8

Set of support modules for Java 8 datatypes (Optionals, date/time) and features (parameter names)
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@JsonFormat annotation doesn't work for OffsetDateTime when configuring Global OffsetDateTimeSerializer #254

Closed yuzmann closed 1 year ago

yuzmann commented 1 year ago

After configuring ObjectMapper globally and with annotation, serialization works expectedly on Date and LocalDateTime types.

As for OffsetDateTime, @JsonFormat annotation doesn't work and mapper always use Global config.

In order to solve the issue, I need to use custom serializer and @JsonSerialize annotation as below, @JsonSerialize(using = OffsetDateTimeSerializerImpl.class) private OffsetDateTime offsetDateTimeAnnotated;

Note: JsonMapper has the same problem with ObjectMapper




For Global ('G' between date and time) Date: yyyy-MM-dd'G'HH:mm:ss LocalDateTime: yyyy-MM-dd'G'HH:mm:ss.SSS OffsetDateTime: yyyy-MM-dd'G'HH:mm:ssZ

For Annotation ('A' between date and time) Date: yyyy-MM-dd'A'HH:mm:ss LocalDateTime: yyyy-MM-dd'A'HH:mm:ss.SSS OffsetDateTime: yyyy-MM-dd'A'HH:mm:ssZ

Result: { "date" : "2022-12-02G17:29:02", "dateAnnotated" : "2022-12-02A17:29:02", "localDateTime" : "2022-12-02G17:29:02.194", "localDateTimeAnnotated" : "2022-12-02A17:29:02.194", "offsetDateTime" : "2022-12-02G17:29:02+0300", "offsetDateTimeAnnotated" : "2022-12-02G17:29:02+0300" <-- It must be in format: "yyyy-MM-dd'A'HH:mm:ssZ" }

    public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
                .registerModule(new JavaTimeModule())

        // for Date

        // for LocalDateTime
        SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule();
        simpleModule.addSerializer(new LocalDateTimeSerializer(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'G'HH:mm:ss.SSS")));

        // for OffsetDateTime

        // with serializer:
        // -  @JsonFormat doesn't work

        // without serializer:
        // -  @JsonFormat works
        // -  but no control over global format, it becomes ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME

       simpleModule.addSerializer(OffsetDateTime.class, new JsonSerializer<OffsetDateTime>() {
            public void serialize(OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

        return mapper;
public class DateFormats {

    private Date date;

    private Date dateAnnotated;

    private LocalDateTime localDateTime;

    private LocalDateTime localDateTimeAnnotated;

    private OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime;

     private OffsetDateTime offsetDateTimeAnnotated;

    public DateFormats() {

        this.dateAnnotated = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

        this.offsetDateTimeAnnotated =;
        this.offsetDateTime =;

        this.localDateTimeAnnotated =;
        this.localDateTime =;

    // getter and setters
cowtowncoder commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce the issue: use of @JsonFormat annotation and global format configuration work.

In case of custom serializer, however, you must implement all support for annotations (and global settings) yourself. Jackson has very little control over custom implementations and so it cannot force specific format.

Note that for configuring per-type format defaults, you need to use "config overrides" like so:

        ObjectMapper m = mapperBuilder().withConfigOverride(OffsetDateTime.class,
                cfg -> cfg.setFormat(JsonFormat.Value.forPattern("yyyy.MM.dd'x'HH:mm:ss")))

At this point I would need a unit test to reproduce the problem.

yuzmann commented 1 year ago

Attached is a sample spring boot project.

HealthCheckControllerIT test class can reproduce the issue.

cowtowncoder commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I cannot use tests that rely on external frameworks: a stand-alone example would be needed. This is due to 2 issues: first, frameworks often do their own initialization or special configuration; and second, I can't add unit tests that would require dependencies to external frameworks.

cowtowncoder commented 1 year ago

Cannot reproduce (no stand-alone reproduction), appear to work, closing.

May be re-opened with a stand-alone reproduction against 2.14 or 2.15 branch.