Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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Alternate interaction mode for WSA #1180

Open FZFalzar opened 2 years ago

FZFalzar commented 2 years ago


Describe the feature

Overlays dont seem to work nicely in WSA but it might be able to run if rooted similar to https://github.com/hgjazhgj/FGO-py/blob/master/FGO-py/fgoWsa.py

Similar was requested in #1070 but due to overlay problems, this might be an alternate solution purely relying on sending adb commands

1) $ dumpsys display -> find mOverrideDisplayInfo (get displayId and screen dimensions)
2) $ screencap -d <displayId> -p -> save png to local /sdcard/<temp path> for OCR
3) $ input -d <displayId> <touchEvent(tap/swipe)> 

FGA app should then be able to interact directly with the game via a local shell instance instead of using overlay

SkyRider13 commented 1 year ago

Would this be completed at some point now that WSA is pretty easy to install?