Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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My Screen doesn't match with FGA touch? #1233

Open Ecclesi opened 2 years ago

Ecclesi commented 2 years ago


Your question

Hi thank for your app,i just been reccommend this by my friend. but when i try follow your guide or my friend it doesn't work, so i try with debug mode and found that maybe it screen problem. I try one with custom game area with left=52 right 153= but it seems do that made the play button gone and also it have to be in duo mode if i want play button back. I'm using ROG Phone 5.


reconman commented 2 years ago

I don't see anything wrong with your screen.

Please use the normal game area and then take a video with FGA using FGA's recording function. Then upload the video.

Ecclesi commented 2 years ago


here the vid

Ecclesi commented 2 years ago

So...no solution?

reconman commented 1 year ago

using FGA's recording function

under More Options, Advanced.

zennnnn15 commented 1 year ago

up have the same problem

reconman commented 1 year ago

I didn't read the part about the play button not showing up. The Surface Duo mode is made to only work for that one phone.

Normally, when the play button doesn't appear on my phone, I restart the phone and then it appears again.

@zennnnn15 Also ROG 5? Didn't see your comment.