Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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FGA window is too small (Asus ROG 3) #1244

Open TearBOT opened 1 year ago

TearBOT commented 1 year ago


Describe the feature

Screenshot_20220710-184503129 As seen in the screenshot I cannot see nor modify the numbers of runs or anything and the window doesn't even take 1/3 of my screen so I'd like for it to be resizable or like to take almost all my screen?

reconman commented 1 year ago

What's your phone model? That dialog size is not normal.

TearBOT commented 1 year ago

It's an Asus Rog Phone 3, I had to remove FGO from the phone's inate "game mode" thing to see the play button actually I tried turning developper mode on and off and the window size is still like that

TearBOT commented 1 year ago

It's fixed now thanks ^^ Screenshot_20220718-131903295

desperatechair commented 12 months ago

I had to remove FGO from the phone's inate "game mode" thing to see the play button

thanks so much man, i was stressing out on why the button wont appear on my rog phone 5. i initially thought it was the game genie/game mode messing with it. but brushed it off when i kept seeing it for a brief second before it disappear everytime i switched to the game and ended up thinking it was an overlay settings issue.