Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
1.38k stars 268 forks source link

Accessibility always disabled on Build 1855 #1413

Closed muhasyafiq closed 4 days ago

muhasyafiq commented 1 year ago


Your question

I just upgrade my FGA from Build 14xx to 1855 because in 14xx, the refresh button area is on the "change skill" or something, usually it's not a problem if there's a support, that's why i never upgrade my FGA, in the past if it's accessibility problem i just restart my phone, now i can't even do anything, tried the solution on Troubleshooting Guide yield no result, restarting, force close, turn off accessiblity then turn it on again, nothing. is there a fix for this OR is there someone who have Build 14xx because it's not on the "Releases" tab" so i can downgrade, thank you

reconman commented 1 year ago

Have you tried reinstalling FGA?