Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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Actions on turn 2 during raid battles inconsistent #1720

Open BalletDuckNinja opened 6 months ago

BalletDuckNinja commented 6 months ago


FGO server


FGA build number


Describe the bug

Often on the second turn of raids, FGA is for some reason unable to perform actions it's supposed to do and defaults to pressing the attack button. I believe this is due to to the popup showing 'thanks to masters, X number of raid boss has been killed' that messes up FGA's recognition of buttons that makes it panic. It seems to keep happening when I make it try to use plugsuit swap after the first turn of raids, but everything is affected, including using skills from servants in the third row. It sometimes works so it's not a problem with the inputted commands, like the difference between NP into next wave vs NP into same wave.



Device model

Samsung galaxy tab s8

Android version


Screen size

2560 x 1600



BalletDuckNinja commented 6 months ago

Android version is actually 13, that was a typo. I've tired to set the turn wait time to 2000ms (maximum) which seems to help turn 2 commands work more often

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

I added a turn delay to the alpha feature

  1. select battle config
  2. Go to where the materials/spam/server section
  3. Click the raid there.
  4. Turn it on.
  5. You can adjust the number of seconds it will delay per turn

Be aware this is alpha feature and I just added after the surtr.

https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/actions/runs/7313632453/artifacts/1133171727 < apk

You can also find it at Actions tab -> Auto Upgrade then select the latest one

Jeff-M-Hsu commented 6 months ago

Issue still occurs after the turn delay

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

we have modified it a bit since the last link

https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/actions/runs/7326441155/artifacts/1134694738 < apk

and also, please ensure you have click the next turn in the same wave since the raid is happening on the same wave.

Dudi4PoLFr commented 6 months ago

Can confirm the new version (2305) works perfectly with the "next turn in the same wave" and the 3s delay on raid setting on :

Device model: Samsung Galaxy Fold 5 Android version: 14 Screen size: 1812 x 2176 (inside display) RAM: 12GB

Thank you for your work, A very tired and sleepy European.

HydeoMajima commented 6 months ago

Stage counter similarity at 100% fixed the issue for me. Didnt try the new versions yet or "next turn in same wave" so check if any of this works

BlackGhost6200 commented 6 months ago

I was having the same problem. After using next turn in same wave instead of next turn, It seems to have solved the problem.

TroyBaconator commented 6 months ago

Yes all fixed over here as well Galaxy S22 Ultra

captainohcaptain commented 6 months ago

It worked for a while, then reverted back after I adjusted the delay per turn.

How many seconds to set for that?

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

I'm just using 3 seconds(the default), but change it per your device.

captainohcaptain commented 6 months ago

Already set delay at 10 s and still the issue pops up now and then.

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

could you show me your battle config

captainohcaptain commented 6 months ago

Screenshot_2023-12-26-19-22-57-34_e9dd5248539caae09fa1e8ca83b8fac7 Screenshot_2023-12-26-19-25-21-02_e9dd5248539caae09fa1e8ca83b8fac7

Edit: Phone details are: Model: OnePlus Nord CE 5G Version: Android 13

Konahrik13 commented 6 months ago

I have also been having this problem despite trying to change any delays in the fine tune sections. It seemed to be fixed after changing to Next Turn in Same Wave but it kept messing up at the exact same place on the second turn in the second or so run. One thing I have noticed is that the Battle number in the top right keeps changing to 2 after redoing the commands, though I don't know what that means.

Phone details are a Galaxy A52 5G and Android version 13. The build is 2288 from installing from Google Play. The commands I have inputted are: >a b d1 e1 f g1 g i1 x21 d e4 f1 64, 4, 4,#,

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

Stage counter similarity at 100% fixed the issue for me.

you could try the fix that one of the users found. It was in the More Settings -> Advanced


Konahrik13 commented 6 months ago

I was running it at 95% and changed it to 100%, still has the same problem at that exact turn.

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

I was running it at 95% and changed it to 100%, still has the same problem at that exact turn.

could you try the alpha build, and use the raid setting to add additional delay

Rockman3x3 commented 6 months ago

I've tried everything, especially the alpha build but no matter what I do, I cant get a consistent setup past turn 2. Delay is 10 seconds, I finetuned 2000ms for a turn, Stage counter similarity 100%, nothing has worked.

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

I've tried everything, especially the alpha build but no matter what I do, I cant get a consistent setup past turn 2. Delay is 10 seconds, I finetuned 2000ms for a turn, Stage counter similarity 100%, nothing has worked.

post your config

Konahrik13 commented 6 months ago

Downloaded the alpha, turned on the raid choice with the default 3 delay, also have the stage similarity at 100% with the same setup I posted above. Attack cards instead of NP being picked keeps on happening on the second turn.

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago

try, turning off servant priority

Rockman3x3 commented 6 months ago

Ive actually found a solution. So I reset EVERYTHING to default, changed raid delay back to 3 secs. This time I turned on "Rendering Settings in High Speed l" to high quality and it just works now Screenshot_20231226_071533_FateGO

Rockman3x3 commented 6 months ago

Current config to confirm above statement Screenshot_20231226_071810_FGA (CI)

ArthurKun21 commented 6 months ago


Konahrik13 commented 6 months ago

Already had that ingame setting at that but I reset everything and put it back. Still having the same problem.

captainohcaptain commented 6 months ago

Ive actually found a solution. So I reset EVERYTHING to default, changed raid delay back to 3 secs. This time I turned on "Rendering Settings in High Speed l" to high quality and it just works now Screenshot_20231226_071533_FateGO

Tried this. Currently raid attack is ongoing. Code is running smoothly so far. Will update later if issue reoccurs.

kris-brezavscek commented 6 months ago

Build 2306

Device model: Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Android version: 14

Had similarity at 100%, have delay at 3s, have "next turn in the same wave" and did the game options settings as above with low res and HQ. I don't know why but setting similarity at 100% made this even worse, every time at 2 turn FGA just did attacks and no skills. After resetting similarity to default, things are ok so far.

I'll update if it happens again.

reconman commented 6 months ago

Build 2306

Device model: Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Android version: 14

Had similarity at 100%, have delay at 3s, have "next turn in the same wave" and did the game options settings as above with low res and HQ. I don't know why but setting similarity at 100% made this even worse, every time at 2 turn FGA just did attacks and no skills. After resetting similarity to default, things are ok so far.

I'll update if it happens again.

Use "Next wave" with stage similarity = 100 %.

kris-brezavscek commented 6 months ago

Ok, "next wave" with stage similarity = 100% works. If it's "same wave" with stage similarity = 100% instead it goes to normal attacks on turn 2.

Konahrik13 commented 6 months ago

Ok, "next wave" with stage similarity = 100% works. If it's "same wave" with stage similarity = 100% instead it goes to normal attacks on turn 2.

Yeah this seems to be working. Three runs so far and no problems.

boingman commented 6 months ago

Ok, "next wave" with stage similarity = 100% works. If it's "same wave" with stage similarity = 100% instead it goes to normal attacks on turn 2.

Thanks, that seems to have fixed it for me.