Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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Run only when AP is max/Run only every X minutes #1757

Closed d7c0 closed 3 months ago

d7c0 commented 5 months ago


Describe the feature

Would it be possible to make it so that it only runs when you've reached your AP cap (maybe by checking if it can use a Bronze Apple or not) to prevent AP waste?

Or alternatively "run only every X minutes"?

d7c0 commented 3 months ago

Please, make it so that we can have it run every X minutes. Is it possible? I wish for this feature every day. I AM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES, I BEG OF THEE, PLEASE MILORD

reconman commented 3 months ago

How is only running at full AP preventing AP waste?

d7c0 commented 3 months ago

How is only running at full AP preventing AP waste?

Just in that you can't generate any more.

It's more like I'm not sure when I'll be able to sit down and do the MSQ missions, so I try to keep as much AP in reserve as possible without wasting by it going beyond the cap. This means I have to run a mission every 200 minutes (40 AP) to prevent going over the cap and wasting AP.

I think it could be useful for when you're waiting for the next section of an event to release as well, and wish to have as much AP on hand as possible.

reconman commented 3 months ago

This feature is obsolete once the blue apples appear in NA, so it will not be added to FGA.