Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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Problem when running on 20:9 phone #784

Closed rizqee closed 3 years ago

rizqee commented 3 years ago

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Describe the bug so there is a bug when i tried the current release(cannary-1398) when using my phone, a samsung galaxy s20 FE that has a screen ratio of 20:9. when using it on the na server it runs smoothly but when i was playing the jp server it doesn't even want to select the support servant.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. It is recommended that you at-least add one screenshot of FGO running on your device.

Video below is the video link of the bug in action https://youtu.be/o3gwlqOSjc0

Device Info (please fill at-least 'Device model'):

MathewSachin commented 3 years ago

After a recent update to FGO JP, it fills the entire screen including the notch (#756 shows that on another Samsung phone). The latest version of FGA is calibrated for that. But, on your phone, there are black bars on both sides of the screen. The left one should be the notch and the other one might be for gestures. FGA would only work if you get rid of those black bars. Maybe try making FGO JP a fullscreen app.
