Fate-Grand-Automata / FGA

Auto-battle app for F/GO Android
MIT License
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FGA 1556 Fails to Identify Support CE #979

Open Sparlchemy opened 2 years ago

Sparlchemy commented 2 years ago


FGO server


FGA build number


Describe the bug

Attempted to use FGA to run the Thursday Treasure Vault 40AP, but found that the app failed to select Support if the condition of "Has Bella Lisa Equipped" was active. Even after reducing the match criteria, FGA fails to find effected CE.

Instead of selecting the preferred CE, FGA would scroll to bottom of Support list on the All section, then select the bottom Support option.


Settings for script that fails: Bella Lisa Failure_FGA (CI)

Screenshot of Support CE images in correct file location CE in greyscale fail: Support CE Images

Instructions to recreate:

  1. Create battle script that uses "Preferred Support."
  2. Set "Preferred Support CE" to Bella Lisa (MLB or non-MLB) or other Support CE Image that is in greyscale.
  3. Select mission and go to Support screen.
  4. Press FGA's "Play" button, select the script created in steps 1 and 2.
  5. FGA should begin but encounter the described error: scrolling past all instances of Bella Lisa, then selecting bottom Support option- or some other non-matching support.


Working with Chaldea Teatime as example of intended function: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94257161/143517340-60ba7c64-747d-4070-b817-3327d719a7df.mp4

Not working with Bella Lisa (Support Image created from Support Image Creator.) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94257161/143517422-50a67a58-93a0-4ea4-908d-29a4a456f8c3.mp4

Device model

Samsung S10+

Android version


Screen size

No response


No response

reconman commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce with Bella Lisa and you're the first person to report something like this.

Sparlchemy commented 2 years ago

I decided to attempt a fresh download and reinstall, making sure to follow all troubleshooting again- ensure battery optimization is off by following instructions from dontkillmyapp, ensure that FGO looks as FGA expects it, that there is not a game booster running in background, and all other troubleshooting routes again.

This did not fix the problems with the Bella Lisa that is extracted by pressing "Extract Default Support Images" within FGA, but did enable those created by the Support Image Maker to function.

I am uncertain why the Bella Lisa extracted from FGA is apparently not working for me, but the reinstall fixed CE created by the Support Image Maker for now.

reconman commented 2 years ago

Do you see any difference when you recreate Bella Lisa with the Support Image Maker?

reconman commented 2 years ago

I remembered something I discovered a long time ago related to grayscale, which I just fixed. Screenshots aren't converted to grayscale correctly when using MediaProjection.

But that shouldn't matter for this case with Bella Lisa since the CE was created the same incorrect way.

And even if the CE was created using root, the difference between the correct and incorrect gray conversion is so minimal that it shouldn't matter.

Bella Lisa using buggy MediaProjection: Bella Lisa using Root:

So version 1558 with the fix will probably not fix your problem. I also can't really explain why it fails for you.

Sparlchemy commented 2 years ago

Do you see any difference when you recreate Bella Lisa with the Support Image Maker?

Sorry for the delay- the only real difference I see is that the one that is Extracted By Default is 143x25 pixels, while the one created by the SIM method is 142x25.

The issues with other CE and the SIM not working properly before the fresh download was quite possibly on my end- my internet had dropped in the middle of the download very briefly and then reconnected.

revan2811 commented 2 years ago

Are you sure it's not just a problem with the config? I mean you look for 4 casters and 1 saber servant in the rider tab. The script can't find the servants you are looking for, thats what it looks like to me...

Edit: spelling (some)

Sparlchemy commented 2 years ago

I tried it with other set ups and it still rejected the Bella Lisa that came with the program.

Admittedly the image I used in the first post wasn't the best because I did mess up on the set up, but I did correct the script the next morning, with the same issue present until I used the SIM.

killedbydagger commented 2 years ago

Hello, im also encountering this issue

Here is my scenario

  1. I make a new image using image support maker for new Xmas CE that gives bonus lottery drop
  2. Im setting preffered castoria with max limit CE (the new CE i just created).
  3. Instead of choosing castoria with max limit, it chooses castoria with base one (coincidentally, my fallback setting is first and the first list of my support list was castoria with base CE). Of couse before im doing this, i manually scrolling down and found there was castoria with max limit.

I managed this issue my setting Friend and i had to make ss of all my friend that have castoria with max limit CE, and i found this strategy quite time inefficient. Am i missing some steps or doing it wrong?

reconman commented 2 years ago

@killedbydagger Sounds like a different issue, that part of the CE is detected as MLB star.

I would just activate the MLB filter in FGO to work around that.

killedbydagger commented 2 years ago

Thanks for you information and suggestion, it really helps me, appreciate it