FatherToast / SpecialMobs

Adds variants to the vanilla mobs to make them more interesting and challenging.
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specialmobs:skeleton-crash #20

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

crash-2022-09-16_21.35.20-server.txt 1.16.5 forge36.2.39

Sarinsa commented 1 year ago

This crash appears to happen together with another mod you have installed called "Vampirism". Can you provide any extra details on what happened right before the crash?

ghost commented 1 year ago

I just played mobs at night and placed a lot of (Iron Golem) to help me, other than that, there seems to be nothing abnormal, (Epic Fight) changed the original creature action, maybe it's related.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Vampirism, I don't seem to interfere with it

FatherToast commented 1 year ago

The NPE is happening very deep in the base skeleton code, so I am thinking the cause is likely something other than Special Mobs. The most suspicious things I saw in the crash report are "pl:mixin:APP:brutalbosses.mixins.json:MeleeAttackGoalMixin" and "pl:mixin:APP:enhancedai.mixins.json:AbstractSkeletonEntityMixin". There are also a lot of other mixins on the base classes, so it's hard to say what is directly causing the issue, but my first guess would say to look at brutalbossesmce-1.2 or EnhancedAI-1.2.3-mc1.16.5.

ghost commented 1 year ago

I've used those two before, so I don't want to doubt it!

ghost commented 1 year ago

Because before, 1.12.2, I used your mod and it crashed directly, so I directly suspected your mod,

ghost commented 1 year ago

(Brutal Bosses - Dungeon Bosses) is also a variant. There may be some problems between the two mods. After deleting this, I played the SpecialMobs monster again, and it did not crash for the time being.

FatherToast commented 1 year ago

Yes, it could be something with the way Special Mobs handles AI and equipment.

However, fixing it from my side would pretty much just involve implementing my own melee attack AI, which would unfortunately disable whatever changes Enhanced AI is making to it.

ghost commented 1 year ago

In fact, it does not seem to be a big problem if it is not repaired. It seems that no one except me has added these mods at the same time. For unnecessary trouble, unless someone still reports an error, it feels that there is no need to repair it.

ghost commented 1 year ago

The best way is, I only keep your SpecialMobs,Because SpecialMobs are really good

ghost commented 1 year ago

did you fix it

FatherToast commented 1 year ago

In the recent minor update, no - I don't have any way to fix this aside from removing compatibility with things. I am leaving this issue open for now so we don't lose track of it. If it is definitely narrowed down to Brutal Bosses - Dungeon Bosses, we can try and work with them on it. However, if the crash is very difficult to reproduce (I don't know right now how frequent the crash is), it might be hard to narrow it down.

Sarinsa commented 1 year ago

I'll investigate the issue a bit, but I expect the root cause to be Brutal Bosses like toast said. We can track down the problematic code and send them a pull request, but it depends on whether or not the author wishes to update the 1.16.5 version of the mod

Sarinsa commented 1 year ago

What version of the mods Brutal Bosses, Enhanced AI and Epic Fight did you use?

ghost commented 1 year ago

EnhancedAI-1.2.3-mc1.16.5,Brutal Bosses4.7,EpicFight-16.6.1;(EpicFight-16.6.1) Update today (EpicFight-16.6.2).

Sarinsa commented 1 year ago

So far I have not been able to reproduce the crash. It may have happened under a very specific condition, or there may be another underlying mod that has not been mentioned that causes it together with the other mods. Problems like these often happen in larger modpacks where it is hard to pinpoint what mods exactly are problematic, cause it could be multiple. If you still want to get to the root of the crash, I think the best way to go about it would be to play with Special Mobs alone, then add the other mods gradually to maybe get a better clue. This is tedious though!

ghost commented 1 year ago


(lycanitesmobs-1.16.5- What about these?