FatherToast / SpecialMobs

Adds variants to the vanilla mobs to make them more interesting and challenging.
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[1.16.5] Dungeons Mobs/Dungeons Libraries breaks config #31

Open Sazuzaki opened 1 year ago

Sazuzaki commented 1 year ago

Dungeons Mobs/Library breaks the option to tweak attribute modifiers. Basically, I can't edit max health or damage with it installed.

FatherToast commented 1 year ago

I don't think there's anything I can do about this. Try forcing SM to load after the mods that break it, maybe it'll work then. I recommend posting a bug report on their page and paste a link here so I can follow/help.

Sazuzaki commented 1 year ago

I don't think there's anything I can do about this. Try forcing SM to load after the mods that break it, maybe it'll work then. I recommend posting a bug report on their page and paste a link here so I can follow/help.

Will do, and thanks for suggesting a fix. Really love this mod, so it sucks these two have trouble working together. I've been making do with the MobsPropertiesRandomness mod for modifying attributes, but it's just been... lets just say painful making a new file for every single mob.

Good luck and hope to see more from you!
