Closed A-Ascencio closed 1 year ago
Please see the Wiki for installation/usage instructions:
Somehow, your Java application is not being built/configured to access the jSerialComm library. If you continue to run into this problem, please post your question to a general Java/JavaFx forum. Thanks!
Hello, I have a programming task in which I need to make a connection with Arduino but it gives me the error Cannot resolve symbol 'SerialPort':6 in my javafx code, where it does not recognize the import and that is why it does not execute the rest, I hope you can help me,
package org.utl.dsm403.proyecto1.proyecto1;
import; import; import; import com.fazecast.jSerialComm.SerialPort;
public class ConexionArduino { private SerialPort puertoSerial; private OutputStream salida; // TX lab--Arduino RX private InputStream entrada; // RX lap--Arduino TX