Updated javadocs for setDTR(), clearDTR(), setRTS(), and clearRTS() to reduce confusion when library is used to drive common USB-UART bridges like the SiLabs CP210x family (where DTR and RTS are active low, so asserting them to 1 drives the pin low, and clearing it to 0 drives it high).
Updated javadocs for setDTR(), clearDTR(), setRTS(), and clearRTS() to reduce confusion when library is used to drive common USB-UART bridges like the SiLabs CP210x family (where DTR and RTS are active low, so asserting them to 1 drives the pin low, and clearing it to 0 drives it high).
Sources: https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/cp2102n-datasheet.pdf page 28 (which states that DTR and RTS are active low) the book "Serial Port Complete" (page 364), which describes RTS and DTR as