FeTS-AI / Challenge

The repo for the FeTS Challenge
47 stars 29 forks source link

Related to GaNDLF pathing issues with Windows #175

Closed Gresliebear closed 2 years ago

Gresliebear commented 2 years ago

OpenFL had to be installed independently of Setup.py because OpenFL its self doesn't install on windows

Successfully installed packages from C:\Users\15702\.local\workspace/requirements.txt.

New workspace directory structure:
├── .workspace
├── agg_to_col_one_signed_cert.zip
├── agg_to_col_two_signed_cert.zip
├── cert
├── data
├── logs
├── partitioning_1.csv
├── partitioning_2.csv
├── plan
│   ├── cols.yaml
│   ├── data.yaml
│   ├── defaults
│   └── plan.yaml
├── requirements.txt
├── save
├── small_split.csv
├── src
│   ├── challenge_assigner.py
│   ├── fets_challenge_model.py
│   └── __init__.py
└── validation.csv

6 directories, 15 files
Setting Up Certificate Authority...

1.  Create Root CA
1.1 Create Directories
1.2 Create Database
1.3 Create CA Request and Certificate
2.  Create Signing Certificate
2.1 Create Directories
2.2 Create Database
2.3 Create Signing Certificate CSR
2.4 Sign Signing Certificate CSR
3   Create Certificate Chain

Creating AGGREGATOR certificate key pair with following settings: CN=openvessel.ptd.net, SAN=DNS:openvessel.ptd.net
  Writing AGGREGATOR certificate key pair to: C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\cert/server
The CSR Hash for file server/agg_openvessel.ptd.net.csr = 2dffb3b6b3429066358c48f7817b37def87f94c4b6538a7511d9ec15d3eb64227561744b638709da4b7b3119e3f8062d
 Signing AGGREGATOR certificate
Creating COLLABORATOR certificate key pair with following settings: CN=one, SAN=DNS:one       
  Moving COLLABORATOR certificate to: C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\cert/col_one
The CSR Hash for file col_one.csr = 788406d2db5277603ff520c9f86237fead29fd890db72e5f01eaec7671b2c92dd13eb69b28eb8f821958e5d67e3c7e2d
 Signing COLLABORATOR certificate

Registering odeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\cert\client\col_one in C:\Users\15702\.local\workspace\plan\cols.yaml
Creating COLLABORATOR certificate key pair with following settings: CN=two, SAN=DNS:two
  Moving COLLABORATOR certificate to: C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\cert/col_two
The CSR Hash for file col_two.csr = cc4568bc2f495a46ceff0f3708b1a24a43ddff4aa6797cfd00eb51abdfa9a1078b8ed349a0fd0fcfb5ccabc9815b7f88
 Signing COLLABORATOR certificate

Registering odeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\cert\client\col_two in C:\Users\15702\.local\workspace\plan\cols.yaml
No 'TrainOrVal' column found in split_subdirs csv, so performing automated split using percent_train of 0.8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\FeTS_Challenge.py", line 566, in <module>
    restore_from_checkpoint_folder = restore_from_checkpoint_folder)
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\fets_challenge\experiment.py", line 254, in run_challenge_experiment
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\fets_challenge\gandlf_csv_adapter.py", line 147, in construct_fedsim_csv
    inner_dict = get_appropriate_file_paths_from_subject_dir(os.path.join(pardir, subdir), include_labels=True)
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\venv\lib\site-packages\fets\data\base_utils.py", line 14, in get_appropriate_file_paths_from_subject_dir
    filesInDir = os.listdir(dir_path)
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/raid/datasets/FeTS22/MICCAI_FeTS2022_TrainingData\\FeTS2022_01333'

So the workspace is set up in VScode but experiment.py is not finding /raid/datasets/FeTS22MICCAI_FeTS2022_TrainingData\FeTS2022_01333

Gresliebear commented 2 years ago

note to self I guess I need to find these gandlf paths and place them into the workspace?

Where are these?

---- C:\Users\15702\.local\workspace
No 'TrainOrVal' column found in split_subdirs csv, so performing automated split using percent_train of 0.8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\FeTS_Challenge.py", line 566, in <module>
    restore_from_checkpoint_folder = restore_from_checkpoint_folder)
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\fets_challenge\experiment.py", line 257, in run_challenge_experiment
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\fets_challenge\gandlf_csv_adapter.py", line 147, in construct_fedsim_csv
    inner_dict = get_appropriate_file_paths_from_subject_dir(os.path.join(pardir, subdir), include_labels=True)
  File "C:\CodeRepos\MoaniSandbox\FETS-AI\Challenge\Task_1\venv\lib\site-packages\fets\data\base_utils.py", line 14, in get_appropriate_file_paths_from_subject_dir  
    filesInDir = os.listdir(dir_path)
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/raid/datasets/FeTS22/MICCAI_FeTS2022_TrainingData\\FeTS2022_01077'
Gresliebear commented 2 years ago

I manually create the raid/datasets/FeTS22 folder and added the MICCAI_FeTS2022 dataset

still did not find it, its related to string path being passed


Gresliebear commented 2 years ago

solved it by changing the parent path to data
