FearlessSolutions / ICTS

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Create Mid-Fidelity Confirmation Page #72

Open SelaLewis opened 1 year ago

SelaLewis commented 1 year ago

For mid-fidelity mockups, we will need to create a confirmation page.

User Story As someone working on behalf of the offending company submitting exemptions, I want to see confirmation that I have successfully submitted all exemption requests so that I know for sure that I have completed this part of the process.

Acceptance Criteria Once the user clicks "Submit Submission, "the user should be given a thank you, a confirmation number, language that says, "Keep this information for your records." Without it, then the user will have no idea if they've submitted the requests.

SelaLewis commented 1 year ago


Dependencies #16 Mid-Fi Mockups, #65 Jobs-To-Be-Done User Flow (Jeremy)

For mid-fidelity mockups, we will need to create a confirmation page. It should include a thank you, some sort of confirmation number, language that says, "Keep this information for your records."

SelaLewis commented 1 year ago

Dependencies #16 Mid-Fi Mockups, #65 Jobs-To-Be-Done User Flow (Jeremy)

SelaLewis commented 1 year ago

@chancecrawford @garrett-fearless Looping you all in as a reminder.