Febiunz / AzureDevOpsExtensionGitClone

Azure DevOps extension to Clone a Git repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot prompt because user interactivity has been disabled. #12

Open VGBenjamin opened 1 week ago

VGBenjamin commented 1 week ago


Could you help me to understand how I can clone my repo please? My Shared repository is in the same organisation but I always have this error message: Try cloning https://XXXProjects@dev.azure.com/XXXProjects/XXXE0002%20-%20XXX/_git/XXXE0002%20-%20Shared with branch '${env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH}' into s\XXX.Shared git -c http.extraheader="Authorization: bearer " clone --progress -b ${env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH} "https://XXXProjects@dev.azure.com/XXXProjects/XXXE0002%20-%20ERP/_git/XXXE0002%20-%20Shared" "s\XXX.Shared" Cloning into 's\XXX.Shared'... fatal: Cannot prompt because user interactivity has been disabled.

I have tried multiple urls formats with the same result: git@ssh.dev.azure.com:v3/XXXProjects/XXXE0002%20-%20ERP/XXXE0002%20-%20Shared https://XXXProjects@dev.azure.com/XXXProjects/XXXE0002%20-%20ERP/_git/XXXE0002%20-%20Shared https://dev.azure.com/XXXProjects/XXXE0002%20-%20ERP/_git/XXXE0002%20-%20Shared

Do you have any ideas for me please?


Febiunz commented 3 days ago

Hi VGBenjamin,

This probably has something to do with authorization (scope). In the project settings under pipelines, you can find a setting called: Limit job authorization scope to current project for non-release pipelines, maybe you can try switching this setting? There are some more settings in the project which disallows access from other projects I think, but the above is the first one that comes in mind. If this still does not work, maybe you can provide some screenshots of the pipeline configuration and maybe some screenshots of the project settings.

Kind regards, Fabian