Febiunz / AzureDevOpsExtensionGitClone

Azure DevOps extension to Clone a Git repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Git Repository Clone task fails when trying to update a variable #5

Closed JohnH-Work closed 4 years ago

JohnH-Work commented 4 years ago

After the latest updates, the task always fails with:

[error]Unable to process command '##vso[task.setvariable variable=;isOutput=true;]C:\BuildScripts' successfully. Please reference documentation (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=817296)

[error]Required field 'variable' is missing in ##vso[task.setvariable] command.

It appears that the variable that should be passed in ($RepositoryName) doesn't actually exist for us, so the variable name ends up being empty.

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

That is really strange. Which repository URL do you use to fill the Repository URL parameter of the task? Are you using a non TFS or Azure DevOps git repository here maybe?

yfrindel commented 4 years ago

in my opinion this syntax is not correct (2 "$") : image

JohnH-Work commented 4 years ago

The problem is that it only populates $RepositoryName if $RepositoryPath is not specified, but it always needs it for the variable update at the end.

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

What did you use for the Repository Path parameter then?

JohnH-Work commented 4 years ago

We've got Repository Path set to: C:\BuildScripts Repository URL set to: https://dev.azure.com/redacted/Shared/_git/BuildScripts

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

in my opinion this syntax is not correct (2 "$") : image

There is nothing wrong with the syntax, it works as expected. Problems is indeed in the not always filling the repository name variable, which is needed.

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

We've got Repository Path set to: C:\BuildScripts Repository URL set to: https://dev.azure.com/redacted/Shared/_git/BuildScripts

Clear issue! I will have a look at this and report back as quick as possible.

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

I just released a new version. I tested it, and I think it works. Could you guys check please?

JohnH-Work commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's working for us. Thanks!

Febiunz commented 4 years ago

Nice! Thanks for the feedback! Enjoy using the extension. If not to much to ask, could you write a review on the extension? Thanks in advance!