FedNLP: An Industry and Research Integrated Platform for Federated Learning in Natural Language Processing, Backed by FedML, Inc. The Previous Research Version is Accepted to NAACL 2022
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QA does not calculate F1 score result , may I know how to fix it? #10

Closed chaoyanghe closed 3 years ago

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2164/5520, loss = 0.6054576635360718 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2165/5520, loss = 0.4317961633205414 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2166/5520, loss = 1.390831470489502 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2167/5520, loss = 1.07370924949646 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2168/5520, loss = 1.1164920330047607 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2169/5520, loss = 0.6192945241928101 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2170/5520, loss = 0.7042073607444763 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2171/5520, loss = 0.702218770980835 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2172/5520, loss = 0.47233307361602783 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2173/5520, loss = 0.547944188117981 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2174/5520, loss = 0.703558087348938 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2175/5520, loss = 0.793656587600708 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2176/5520, loss = 0.790333092212677 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2177/5520, loss = 0.5816390514373779 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2178/5520, loss = 0.9623005986213684 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2179/5520, loss = 0.6054102182388306 INFO:root:cached_features_file = cache_dir/cached_dev_bert_256_34726 INFO:examples.question_answering.question_answering_model: Features loaded from cache at cache_dir/cached_dev_bert_256_34726 Running Evaluation: 100%|██████████| 2203/2203 [03:30<00:00, 10.46it/s] INFO:root:{} INFO:examples.question_answering.question_answering_model:{'correct': 15510, 'similar': 14006, 'incorrect': 5210, 'eval_loss': -7.354878266291677} INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2180/5520, loss = 0.5322230458259583 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2181/5520, loss = 0.5274325609207153 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2182/5520, loss = 0.5773954391479492 INFO:root:epoch = 1, batch_idx = 2183/5520, loss = 0.8108208775520325

yuchenlin commented 3 years ago

I think this is done? If not, plz reopen it.

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

yeah, works well now. I am sweeping with different HPs...may get results tonight