FedNLP: An Industry and Research Integrated Platform for Federated Learning in Natural Language Processing, Backed by FedML, Inc. The Previous Research Version is Accepted to NAACL 2022
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[SQuAD] crashed when doing official evaluation #11

Closed chaoyanghe closed 3 years ago

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

in eval_model_by_offical_script if n not in custom_parameter_names and not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) IndexError: list index out of range

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

@yuchenlin @RaymondTseng Hi Yuchen & Zihang, do you know what causes this issue?

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

File "/home/chaoyanghe/sourcecode/PipeTransformer/examples/question_answering/question_answering_model.py", line 617, in eval_model_by_offical_script if n not in custom_parameter_names and not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) IndexError: list index out of range

yuchenlin commented 3 years ago

can you make this bug more clearer? i thought you were talking about our FedNLP code....

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

we already discussed this. FedNLP also has this issue, we fixed this by using a mapping dictionary.

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

Since only SQuAD has the original unique ID, it is ok to me to make a special code patch. Thus we don't need further modification in a systematical way, and this issue can be closed.