FedNLP: An Industry and Research Integrated Platform for Federated Learning in Natural Language Processing, Backed by FedML, Inc. The Previous Research Version is Accepted to NAACL 2022
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Hyperparameters for reproducing the results of the paper? #27

Closed bangawayoo closed 2 years ago

bangawayoo commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you for the work.

I am confused regarding the learning rates used in the experiments. The README.md (experiments/distributed/transformer_exps/README.md) have different server lr's (0.1, 5e-5) with that of the paper (Section 4.3). I am trying to reproduce some experiments as a baseline, but I am reaching either a higher or lower performance than the reported accuracy.

For the seq2seq task (Gigawords), could you report the server and client learning rate? or even better refer me to the wandb project?


bangawayoo commented 2 years ago

This was answered by the authors in the Slack channel image