FedNLP: An Industry and Research Integrated Platform for Federated Learning in Natural Language Processing, Backed by FedML, Inc. The Previous Research Version is Accepted to NAACL 2022
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Data Parallelism (DP) during training does not meet expectation (only 3 processes are working, should be FOUR), I will optimize it after ICML deadline. #6

Closed chaoyanghe closed 3 years ago

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago


yuchenlin commented 3 years ago

Could you add more details? Which part of the code is corresponding to the DP here?

chaoyanghe commented 3 years ago

No worries, this is a framework level issue, I will move it to FedML project.

DP in FL is equal to parallel training in multiple GPUs. I think the issue happens when we assign multiple processes in a single GPU. FedML will collaborate with PyTorch team to systematicallly optimize this contention issue in CUDA primitive level and also check if some implemention in Python code should be adjusted.