FedeDP / Clight

A C daemon that turns your webcam into a light sensor. It will adjust screen backlight based on ambient brightness.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE REQ]Could I stop clight at night? #114

Closed realasking closed 4 years ago

realasking commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Yes. I don't know if it's a problem of my webcam. It's always too bright if using clight at night. I have configured clight.conf, but it would make the screen too dark on daytime.

Describe the solution you'd like Could you provide a group of settings to make users for choosing when clight worked and when not? For example, if the 'latitude' , the 'longitude' and a given light Y were set, the brightness auto-adjustment would be turned off and the brightness was set to the given Y and also can be manully adjust after sunset and before sunrise.

Describe alternatives you've considered No.You have done a great job. I love this software very much and haven't considered any other alternatives.

FedeDP commented 4 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the very kind words :)

It's always too bright if using clight at night.

This is weird: since clightd 4.0 any internal webcam setting is setted to default values before any capture, thus there should be no difference between them...

Anyway, you can disable automatic backlight calibration whenever you want through clight bus api:

busctl --user set-property org.clight.clight /org/clight/clight/Conf org.clight.clight.Conf NoAutoCalib "b" true

Moreover, you can write a custom module to fit your own request :) Night-de-theme should be easily updated to fit your purpose:

#include <clight/public.h>



static void init(void) {
    /* Suscribe to daytime updates */

static void receive(const msg_t *msg, const void *userdata) {
    switch (MSG_TYPE()) {
    case DAYTIME_UPD: {
        daytime_upd *up = (daytime_upd *)MSG_DATA();
        if (up->new == DAY) {
             calib_req.nocalib.new = false;
            INFO("We're now during the day!\n");
        } else {
             calib_req.nocalib.new = true;
            INFO("We're now during the night!\n");
realasking commented 4 years ago

Oh,it's awesome! The custom module is so cool. I don't know that before. Thanks for your help. Now I have slightly modified the module and it works perfectly.

FedeDP commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think they are great too! But I'm so bad at advertising features :)

realasking commented 4 years ago

Oh, cmft~ This is a powerful tool for laptop users and there will be more and more people realized it. I'll tell my friends about it, too. Don't be up set.

realasking commented 4 years ago

Hi, I created a bash script for conky with this tool and your just click and paste your given command for adjusting the brightness. It's very comfortable to use. Thank you again ~

#A Script for automatic brightness adjustment with conky
#Author: realasking
#March 08,2020
#            clight
#            clightd
#            sunrise
#            xbacklight
#            dbus
#            dig
#            curl

#Get IP address
IPADD=`curl http://members.3322.org/dyndns/getip 2>/dev/null`

#Validating IP address
#Method from : https://blog.csdn.net/JackLiu16/article/details/81709835
CK=`echo $IPADDR | egrep $regex | wc -l`

#Get Latitude and Longitude
if [ $CK -eq 0 ];then
    #For Beijing
    latlon=" +39.9 +116.5"
    datain=`curl https://ipvigilante.com/${IPADD}`
    lat=`echo $bb|awk -F "latitude" '{print $2}'|cut -d"\"" -f3`
    lon=`echo $bb|awk -F "latitude" '{print $2}'|cut -d"\"" -f7`
    latlon=" ${lat} ${lon}"

#Set light level

#Time Settings
a=`sun $latlon`
# Solve Sunrise time and Sunset time as minutes of a Day
hourise=`echo $a|cut -d":" -f1|awk '{print $3}'`
minrise=`echo $a|cut -d":" -f2|cut -d"," -f1`
Sunrise=`echo " ( $hourise * 60 ) + $minrise " |bc`
houset=`echo $a|cut -d"," -f2|awk '{print $2}'|cut -d":" -f1`
minset=`echo $a|cut -d"," -f2|awk '{print $2}'|cut -d":" -f2`
Sunset=`echo " ( $houset * 60 ) + $minset " |bc`

#Generate Adjusting times
Dawn=`echo " $Sunrise - 30 "|bc`
DarkNight=`echo " ( $Sunset + 60 ) "|bc`

#get time
Current=`date +%H:%M`
houC=`echo $Current|cut -d":" -f1`
minC=`echo $Current|cut -d":" -f2`
Ctime=`echo " ( $houC * 60 ) + $minC " |bc`
echo $Ctime

#Adjust brightness
if [ $Ctime -lt $Sunrise ];then
    /usr/bin/busctl --user set-property org.clight.clight /org/clight/clight/Conf org.clight.clight.Conf NoAutoCalib "b"  true
    if [ $Ctime -lt $Dawn ];then
    xbacklight -set "$darknait"
    xbacklight -set "$don"
    if [ $Ctime -gt $Sunset ];then
    /usr/bin/busctl --user set-property org.clight.clight /org/clight/clight/Conf org.clight.clight.Conf NoAutoCalib "b"  true
    if [ $Ctime -lt $DarkNight ];then
        xbacklight -set "$don"
        xbacklight -set "$darknait"
    /usr/bin/busctl --user set-property org.clight.clight /org/clight/clight/Conf org.clight.clight.Conf NoAutoCalib "b"  false
FedeDP commented 4 years ago

That's great!

This is a powerful tool for laptop users and there will be more and more people realized it. I'll tell my friends about it, too. Don't be up set.

:) Thank you once more for your very kind words! I think we can close this one, can't we?

Again, thanks for your time spent on clight!