Horust currently uses "/" as working directory for services that have no working-directory specified. It would be more useful if the working directory defaulted to the working directory of the Horust process. That way, when not running in a container, it would be easier to reference e.g. configuration files passed to services as relative paths (i.e. `command = "foo -c foo.conf"). Before coming up with a PR, I would like to know whether it was a conscious decision to default to "/".
Horust currently uses "/" as working directory for services that have no
specified. It would be more useful if the working directory defaulted to the working directory of the Horust process. That way, when not running in a container, it would be easier to reference e.g. configuration files passed to services as relative paths (i.e. `command = "foo -c foo.conf"). Before coming up with a PR, I would like to know whether it was a conscious decision to default to "/".