FedoraQt / adwaita-qt

A style to bend Qt applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell
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QGroupBox doesn't have a frame #160

Open AlexB67 opened 2 years ago

AlexB67 commented 2 years ago


As the title says. When creating a group box with a label. there is no frame around it. Kvantum does it right. Libadwaita-qt doesn't, and it looks strange as a result. For that matter libadwaita simply ignores any frame style settings.

As a more general topic and Feedback:

libadwaita-qt in Fedora is not nearly as accurate a GNOME lookalike, compared to kvantum GNOME. I'll state that kvantum GNOME as far as possible a replica of gtk3 Adwaita (with some minor discrepancies), where adwaita-qt simply is not.

I hope I am not being too rude, but libadwaita-qt has so many discrepancies too many to mention I don't even know where to start, but I pray for a big overhaul, a sharp eye, and a designer who can spot the differences, and better quality/accuracy from RedHat.

In my honest view fedora should use kvantum for Qt applications in GNOME in any case, it looks far more convincing.

Cheers, (sorry for the last bit, but I had to get it off my chest, but I get so annoyed looking at libadwaita-qt every time I see it. )


To clarify about the frames. I'll leave you with 2 screens. kvantum and libadwaita-qt. The latter looks so bare, but that aside, please also examine the general shape of widgets, the borders, the corner radii etc etc. Compare both with real GTK3, the conclusion should be clear :)



Adwaita-qt libadwaita

grulja commented 2 years ago


I will look into the issue you reported.

Regarding your opinion about Kvantum vs Adwaita-qt, I would say neither of these is perfect and I'm definitely aware there are pain-points in Adwaita-qt. Problem is that I'm the only one working on it and I don't have time for some significant changes.

When I look at this comparison, I definitely like Adwaita-qt more.

Adwaita-qt adwaita

Kvantum (Gnome) kvantum

AlexB67 commented 2 years ago

I wonder why this function does nothing

bool Style::drawFrameGroupBoxPrimitive(const QStyleOption option, QPainter painter, const QWidget *) const { return true; }