FeedTheCreeper / TheFeedTheCreeperPack

The configs for The Feed the Creeper Pack
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Highlands #42

Closed thor12022 closed 8 years ago

thor12022 commented 9 years ago

Clear out and Regenerate BiomeWeighting.cfg, that file's just sad.

Determine if the Buildcraft Compatability in FeedTheCreeperTweaks is necessary.

Determine if Mariculture Ocean sub-biomes are working.

Adjust biome weights as appropriate.

Reset the "More Oceans" back to 1

thor12022 commented 8 years ago

More Oceans set to 1 Fixed Biome Weights

Mariculture not being used

thor12022 commented 8 years ago

Buildcraft appears to be functioning correctly, as far as can be seen