FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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[Quest] Lazy Peons #1300

Open shilofax opened 12 years ago

shilofax commented 12 years ago

Archangel 2.4.3 Error Report Form

Report ID: ...?

Reporter Name: Shilofax

Date/Time: 5/8/12 (~6PM CST)

Error Severity: Very Minor

Zone/Instance: Durotar

What type of error occurred?: Quest Error, You can hit the same peon 5 times, and you will receive credit.

What was the actual result vs. the expected result?: You can hit the same peon 5 times, rather than only once.

Can the error be repeated? If so, what are the steps?: Yes, just smack the peon with the quest item.

Link to Video Evidence: N/a

External/Related Links: http://old.wowhead.com/quest=5441

Please detail your character’s race, class, and items (optional):

devastator commented 10 years ago

By Locknes

Hi Dev Team

I saw this quest somehow works but not correct. Here's a sample script for this quest

include "ScriptedPch.h"

//// //Quest_Lazy_Peons 5441 ////

enum LazyPeonYells { SAY_SPELL_HIT = -1999900 //Ow! OK, I''ll get back to work, $N!' };

enum LazyPeon { GO_LUMBERPILE = 175784,

SPELL_BUFF_SLEEP                            = 17743,
SPELL_AWAKEN_PEON                           = 19938


struct npc_lazy_peonAI : public ScriptedAI { npc_lazy_peonAI(Creature *c) : ScriptedAI(c) {}

uint64 uiPlayerGUID;

uint32 m_uiRebuffTimer;
uint32 work;

void Reset ()
    uiPlayerGUID = 0;
    work = false;

void MovementInform(uint32, uint32 id)
    if (id == 1)
        work = true;            

void SpellHit(Unit *caster, const SpellEntry *spell)
    if (spell->Id == SPELL_AWAKEN_PEON && caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER
        && CAST_PLR(caster)->GetQuestStatus(5441) == QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE)
        ((Player *)caster)->KilledMonster(m_creature->GetCreatureInfo(),m_creature->GetGUID());
        DoScriptText(SAY_SPELL_HIT, m_creature, caster);
        GameObject* Lumberpile = m_creature->FindNearestGameObject(GO_LUMBERPILE, 20);

void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff)
    if (work = true)
    if (m_uiRebuffTimer <= uiDiff)
        DoCast(m_creature, SPELL_BUFF_SLEEP);            
        m_uiRebuffTimer = 300000;                 //Rebuff agian in 5 minutes
        m_uiRebuffTimer -= uiDiff;                            
    if (!UpdateVictim())


CreatureAI* GetAI_npc_lazy_peon(Creature* pCreature) { return new npc_lazy_peonAI(pCreature); }

void AddSC_durotar() { Script* newscript;

newscript = new Script;
newscript->Name = "npc_lazy_peon";
newscript->GetAI = &GetAI_npc_lazy_peon;


Its a bit old but works I tested it on my private server just need to convert to your repo

ghost commented 10 years ago

thanks for the transport @devastator

devidao commented 8 years ago

Fixed, coming soon on PTR.

lajhar commented 7 years ago

Fix denied on PTR. Currently all the Peons are awake, and you can use the quest item on them. You can use it on the same Peon 5 times.

lajhar commented 7 years ago

Fix intenral on PTR. Peons are asleep, you can wake them up, you can't use the horn any times on one peon, but you gain +1 quest objective if you kill the peon.