FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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Stealth Levels and related spells #1526

Closed kalozar closed 11 years ago

kalozar commented 12 years ago

It doesn't not work... I know a dev said it does, but it doesn't. I'm still not able to see any stealth classes.

I'm not sure if the 1.12.1 report of stealth issues is similar to 2.4.3 but it should help.


Talent: Heightened Senses (+3 per skill point, up to +6, rogue)
Ability: Track Hidden (+30, hunter)
Ability: Felhunter (paranoia) (+30, warlock)
Racial: Human - Perception (+50)
    Item: Catseye Ultra Goggles] (+18)
    Item: Bloodvine Lens] (+10)
    Item: Hyper-Vision Goggles] (+30)
    Item: Marshal's Dragonhide Gauntlets] (or any other druid PvP gloves) (+10, druid)
    Item: The Night Watchman] (+10)
    Consumable: Distilled Stalker Sight (+15)
    Consumable: Elixir of the Searching Eye (+15)
    Consumable: Catseye Elixir (+10)
Databasegm commented 12 years ago

A quote from our testing team regarding the fix that was applied to the PTR recently. Keep in mind that the testing was done on the 2.4.3 PTR.

I will describe everything with details: First of all I would like to point out that a Druid has
only 3 ranks of Prowl(Stealth version for a druid) vs 4 ranks of Stealth for the rogues, meaning
Rogue's stealth > Druid's stealth at anytime.

Now we move on: We tested every aspect of both stealth detection and stealth levels.
Here are the results:

-- Rogue vs Druid (Nagrand Arena): Not gonna list the numbers from each test but I will summarize:
The talents "Master of Deception" and "Feral Instincs" are working perfectly
"Perception" is working on 100% correctly - good work guys.

-- Rogue vs Rogue (human/human Nagrand Arena):
First tests were taken without any talents for both rogues:
Stealth detection + Stealth lvls working 100% correctly

The only problem that we noticed was with the talent : [Heightened Senses] is not working.
It does NOT provide any stealth detection (we realised it while doing the Druid vs Rogue tests).
We cannot forget the fact that these tests were taken on the PTR with average 50ms.
If it works the same way on live Archangel we will see but let me summarize it all once again:

- Stealth lvls working perfectly
- Rogue/Druid talents (Master of Deception/Feral Instincts) working perfectly
- Perception working perfectly
- [Heightened Senses] Rogue's talent, does NOT work
Sideways commented 12 years ago

The issue you linked clearly states that the fix has been updated on the PTR, not on live..

Sideways commented 12 years ago

This has been fixed and applied to live, however, I will leave it open for additional feedback on the fix for the next few days.

Clutch17 commented 12 years ago

Perception and MoD seem to work, however the 5yd range on being able to detect stealth still seems "iffy" seeing as it is impossible to see another rogue WITHOUT Master of Deception from a 6 yard range. I stood there for 3 minutes without the other rogue moving in stealth and they did not show up from a 6 yard range.

Evady commented 12 years ago

After update, it's TOTALLY impossible to find a drood in stealth, even if u used perception. They should be much easier to detect for rogues with Heightened Senses 2/2, goggles and perception buff, shouldn't they?

Sideways commented 12 years ago

I doubt this is true, you most likely are a victim of lag if you don't see the druid. However, it also depends on the buffs of the druid

Clutch17 commented 12 years ago

Perception should basically give you a free opener in arenas. Or at least, that's how it was in TBC.

deztbestsp commented 12 years ago

Druids are ez detectable with the right positioning -99% of the tests were positive. Perception is working perfectly and for the record it never gave you "an opened map", therefore if your position suck, Perception will not do you any good. I can't go and say that items like: goggles etc are working perfectly tho...might be,might be not

Evady commented 12 years ago

I played enough matches on retail and on "we all know what", so I can say i didn't have as many problems in finding droods (without perception and goggles) as i got here with them. I just feel it, i cant say i've tested it, but u should detect droods not from just 6 yards. Also, there is no such thing as 2 sec "stealth tick", i cant explain what is that cuz of my poor english, i hope someone will do that. This is like if u detect an enemy, u will see him just next 2 seconds, not more.

Clutch17 commented 12 years ago

Yes, the issue at the moment is that stealth is way too mechanical if that makes sense. As Evady said.

Databasegm commented 12 years ago

So, any further proof Clutch? Something to confirm your theory, and possibly some way to script it correctly?

I did make a suggestion before:

"So, something like this: 100% chance to see stealth targets at the given level (5 yards base) 100-0% chance to see stealth targets from 5-10 yards away, increasing linearly.

Is that what you mean?"

Clutch17 commented 12 years ago

Yes, to some extent Database. With Perception, one should have an extremely high chance to detect a target from about 10 feet away. With regular stealth detection (none), one should be able to detect targets from 10 feet away as well but with a much lower chance than Perception.

Sideways commented 11 years ago

This is closed until there is real proof or sources for the stealth detection behaviour provided, please create a new issue.

ssishtar commented 11 years ago

I can confirm Perception is not working on 2.4.3 Archangel, at all. Both Paranoia and Perception do NOT work, period, I don't know about engineering helmets or elixirs, didn't test them. Popping Perception should allow you spot a rogue/druid your level if you look in that direction, from at least 10-15 yards. Popping Perception AND Paranoia should allow you see a rogue/druid from QUITE a distance. They don't, tested it extensively with my friend druid in Hellfire Peninsula yesterday and today.

Also yotube is full on movies about Feenix and Perception bugged even on vanilla servers, here is only several of them for your viewing pleasure:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCtHTeRdxFE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=665ls7_3a4k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwRAvaU86v8

Please fix this and boost Stealth Detection, thank you.

I want to add that the increased horde population is also an effect of human racials being useless. There are a lot of players who would want to play human because of this and since they cant, they simply roll undead or orc. I hope Feenix devs will realize that this is a serious issue and deal with it once for all.