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[Quest] To Catch A Thistlehead #1566

Closed Devilish closed 12 years ago

Devilish commented 12 years ago

http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10570 - "To Catch A Thistlehead"

After placing the Bundle of Bloodthistle(30616) nothing happens.

What is supposed to happen,

Just do as requested. Lay it at the other end of the bridge, get some distance and wait for the elf and his mounted bodyguard to appear. After an exchange the bodyguard will vanish and when the elf goes for the bloodthistle, kill him.

dialogue: Blood Lord Zarath says: What is it, my lord? Envoy Icarius says: Zarath you must return to the Black Temple at once! I... I seem to have misplaced Lord Illidan's orders. Quickly! Blood Lord Zarath says: My lord, surely you do not expect me to leave you unattended. Lord Illidan would have my head if anything were to happen to you. Envoy Icarius says: Zarath, I am perfectly capable of making it up this road to Eclipse Point. If we do not deliver the missive, Lord Illidan will have both of our heads! You are dismissed! Blood Lord Zarath says: As you wish, my lord. Envoy Icarius says: Ah, sweet, sweet bloodthistle... Probably left behind by one of those filthy addicts at Eclipse Point. Envoy Icarius says: Their loss is most definitely my gain...

The Thistle also does not despawn, stays there forever. It is supposed to despawn after event.

Databasegm commented 12 years ago

The NPCs spawn and the dialogue occurs, but they are just randomly walking around close to their spawn position, and Envoy Icarus doesn't go to loot the Bloodthistle, he just stands in place until you aggro him. He drops the quest item correctly.

In short, the quest works, but the NPCs are not scripted at all :)