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[Instance][Shattered Halls] Warbringer O'mrogg #161

Closed Zupski closed 12 years ago

Zupski commented 12 years ago

The boss fears people trough the stairs so they fall trough the world.

3 of 5 of us got feared trough the stairs so we fell trough the world and died. All 3 had to get kicked out of party so we could get teleported back to Shattrath then spirit ress outside the city and run back in.

http://old.wowhead.com/npc=16809 - Link to boss.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

I'm surprised you missed everything else wrong with the instance:

1.) Most of the models in Shattered Halls do not have weapons for their models.

2.) If I pull the Fel Orc Converts, it does not pull the Shadowmoon Darkcasters.

3.) Shattered Hand Sharpshooters do not run around corners to attack. I sense abuse in the future.

4.) The third pack of the Hall of Fathers is not properly linked.

5.) Grand Warlock Chamber Door does not require max level lockpicking. It should only be opened like this from the other side.

6.) There are no rapidly-spawning slimes, sludges, or oozes in The Sewer. This is a trivial encounter whereas on retail it was very challenging.

7.) Grand Warlock Nethekurse does not torture the Fel Orc Converts in front of him with void zones before engaging. His Death Coil is a buff and can be right-clicked off. He does not cast Shadow Slam, Shadow Sear, or Dark Spin.

8.) Kargath does not announce to the players after acquiring the "Kargath's Executioner" buff that he will kill the prisoner.

9.) In the Gauntlet of Flame, randomly targeting flame arrows do not strike players and leave patches of fire on the ground. The currently existing and permanent patches of flame should not be here, and they don't even do damage. Also, intermittently-spawning non-elites that run in to engage the players are not implemented. Should be one more trash pack before Blood Guard Porung, who isn't even at the end of the gauntlet. This encounter is trivial.

10.) Legionnaires do not summon more soldiers after you engage him and kill a different NPC.

11.) Warbringer O'mrogg is actually working fine, I had no trouble with his fear. If anything, I had trouble hitting him on the stairs due to LoS.

12.) There should be four or five Assassins in the hall between O'mrogg and Kargath.

13.) Kargath works great.

14.) I have no idea what's supposed to happen after reaching Captain Boneshatter before the timer runs out, my groups in retail never were able to make it in time. However, I'm quite positive he doesn't just say "Greetings, Lukhien."

antimoo commented 12 years ago

"11.) Warbringer O'mrogg is actually working fine, I had no trouble with his fear. If anything, I had trouble hitting him on the stairs due to LoS."

Apparently we found something you didn't find then. We do notice when the instance is not working exactly as retail, but we're sure you and your test team got that covered. I'm not gonna report every time I find an npc missing a mole.

Egozy commented 12 years ago

"Apparently we found something you didn't find then. We do notice when the instance is not working exactly as retail, but we're sure you and your test team got that covered. I'm not gonna report every time I find an npc missing a mole."

please, DO.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

It doesn't matter if it's a functional issue or not, having improper-looking models gives people a cheap and incomplete feeling to many people. As Egozy said, we need you to report EVERYTHING that is wrong because we aren't like these other servers who cut corners and don't do the necessary work. If it gets fixed now or later doesn't matter, because we know it's wrong and the developers don't. I am NOT okay with sub-par scripting, modeling, or scaling in any area of this core, because neither is the development team, neither is Feenix management, and neither should you.

As for Warbringer O'mrogg, I'm sorry I couldn't repeat the error, maybe it hurt the empirical evidence that I was the only one doing the instance. At the very least, everything should be up for re-evaluation, but at this point in time, Warbringer O'mrogg is working as intended.

At the very least, we release him as he is in the new core, and people make tickets after release to verify this issue. At least now everyone can consider this a potential issue.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

antimoo said:

"I feel 3/5 people getting feared off the world and not being able to release spirit, having to kick them from party and them having to alt-f4 or autounstuck to be able to get back into the instance is an issue that should be fixed before this is released. As much as I enjoy your english skills, the last post was extremely hypocritical."

I fail to see this being hypocritical at any sense of the word. In one post you have turned a valuable project into an ego fest, and you need to stop. This isn't about you, this isn't about me, this is about the improvement of a server core for the benefit of the internet. In issue #160 I made a post for you about shelving your ego, please go read it if you have yet to. Now, we are getting back on topic about resolving all the issues within Shattered Halls.

Aleksandru commented 12 years ago

1) wrong equip id

fullint commented 12 years ago

2) Fixed

4) Are you talking about this group ? http://imageshack.us/f/507/78016260.png/ I tested it and they all seems to be linked.

7) There is no information when he should kill Fel Orc Converts, I changed timer to 30s (if it is wrong, let me know I will change). Death Coil is for core.spell dev. Shadow Slam - only in heroic mode Shadow Sear - implemented Dark Spin - is used only once when Grand Warlock Nethekurse health <= 20%

fullint commented 12 years ago

8) Can't find message that he should say.

9)I found that he should spawn http://www.wowhead.com/npc=17462, but there is no info when to start and when to stop spawn also interval. Maybe someone knows ?

10) Can someone provide link to that creature ("Legionnaires") ? Can't find it.

Egozy commented 12 years ago

10) http://old.wowhead.com/npc=16700#comments

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago


4.) Not that group, the group in the back of your picture. That's who I'm talking about. I will begin to provide more concrete information from now on to avoid confusion.

7.) Once again some confusion. He does not kill the Fel Orc Converts, the PLAYERS do. He merely tortures the orcs with his ability to show the players what he can do. Also I -did- test it on heroic, and he did -not- use Shadow Slam or Dark Spin.

8.) I can think of something for you, give me some time. It'll be close, but not exact. "Blizz-like"

9.) I'll see if I can find it, I'm not doing anything else after work.

fullint commented 12 years ago

4) Checked all 3 groups, all are linked properly.

7)Not sure how to torture them, looks like he should cast Shadow Sear spell on them but this spell can't be casted on them, so maybe just remove health ~20%? Checked spells Shadow Slam and Dark Spin, now they will definitely work.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

In order for him to "torture" the Converts, all you need to do is render the animation for his Void Zone under his victim and have the Convert do /beg.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

Hey fullint, check this out.

fullint commented 12 years ago

Thanks, It looks like he can cast several spells on them so they won't die any more, added few spell that will be randomly casted on them and then boss enter fight, is this correct? or he should wait until all of them are dead? From wowwiki: "If the group takes too long to kill the last of the four, Nethekurse will kill it himself and aggro the party." So if he cast spell, he should start attacking ?

fullint commented 12 years ago

10) Fixed (might be a bit different than retail).

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

Sorry, work and sleep's been keeping me busy. Nethecurse should join the fight after about 2 minutes after engaging the last Convert if he isn't already dead. You can also do it "hard mode" and engage him while all four Converts are up, and he says that different aggro phrase which I thought was cool. Let me know when everything's updated and I'll take a second look at the instance.

fullint commented 12 years ago

7.)Can someone from Core.Spell check: Fel orc convert immunity for spell Shadow Sear, they shouldn't have immunity for that spell.

Aleksandru commented 12 years ago

something like this?

ID - 30735 Shadow Sear

Description: Sears the target with Shadow damage for $d. ToolTip: Shadow damage every $t1 sec. Category = 0, SpellIconID = 1958, activeIconID = 0, SpellVisual = (7785,0) Family SPELLFAMILY_GENERIC, flag 0x00000000 00000000 00000000

SpellSchoolMask = 32 (MASK_SHADOW) DamageClass = 0 (SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_NONE)


Attributes: 0x04000000 (SPELL_ATTR_UNK26) AttributesEx1: 0x00004404 (SPELL_ATTR_EX_CHANNELED_1, SPELL_ATTR_EX_NO_INITIAL_AGGRO, SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK14) AttributesEx2: 0x00000004 (SPELL_ATTR_EX2_CANT_REFLECTED)

AttributesEx3: 0x00030000 (SPELL_ATTR_EX3_UNK16, SPELL_ATTR_EX3_UNK17)

Targets Mask = 0x00000020 (TARGET_FLAG_SOURCE_LOCATION) Spell Level = 0, base 0, max 0, maxTarget 0 EquippedItemClass = 0 (CONSUMABLE)

Category = 0 DispelType = 0 (DISPEL_NONE) Mechanic = 0 (MECHANIC_NONE) SpellRange: (Id 6) "Vision Range": MinRange = 0, MinRangeFriendly = 0 MaxRange = 100, MaxRangeFriendly = 100

Speed 12.00 CastingTime (Id 1) = 0.00

Duration: ID (18) 20000, 0, 20000 Interrupt Flags: 0x00000009, AuraIF 0x00000008, ChannelIF 0x0000000D

Chance = 0, charges - 0

Effect 0: Id 6 (SPELL_EFFECT_APPLY_AURA) BasePoints = 1 Targets (1, 7) (TARGET_SELF, TARGET_AREAEFFECT_INSTANT) Aura Id 3 (SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_DAMAGE), value = 1, misc = 0 (0), miscB = 0, periodic = 1000 Radius (Id 12) 100.00

fullint commented 12 years ago

Not really, this spell cannot be used on creatures, only on players, so this needs investigation in Core.Spell

Escape243 commented 12 years ago

2/8/12 We went in and looked at SH 1 more time, here's what we noticed.

NOTE: We tested the instance with heroic mode active.

Trash: Trash looked great overall, gauntlet event after first boss is still not working properly. -Problems with gauntlet event: Fire on the floor isn't doing damage, arrows aren't being fired from the end of the hall, the non-elite mobs that would constantly spawn and make their way towards your party were not spawning at all.

First boss - Grand Warlock Nethekurse His ability "Lesser Shadow Fissure" was doing to low damage on heroic, only hitting for 900ish a tick, it needs to be hitting for more like 3.3k.

Second and Third boss seemed to be working very well.

neo2k12 commented 12 years ago

I just took a video of the Nethekurse event on Retail:


Here's what happens in detail:

This is a complete random order on a random timer. He tends to fear them at the beginning and then takes turns at casting Shadow Sear and Consumption.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

What I noticed when I tested Netherkurse is that his VA's were actually working. I was pleasantly surprised!

Aleksandru commented 12 years ago

1.) Most of the models in Shattered Halls do not have weapons for their models.

which npcs? some ids, names or links would help.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

That will probably take an afternoon to do, there's quite a few.

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

Do you just need to script the animations?

Bwayzoe commented 12 years ago

Looks good. DrewZ is working on getting us those video samples from retail so the devs can compare what we have with what they've got. I think this will help solve many of the issues we have now.

Aleksandru commented 12 years ago

7) Fel Orc Converts have not any immunity defined at database level.

what kind of immunes they should have? i can provide the flags.

fullint commented 12 years ago

We still need text's for "8.) Kargath does not announce to the players after acquiring the "Kargath's Executioner" buff that he will kill the prisoner."

glupe commented 12 years ago

Just like the last core, I'm able to respawn in the instance, die a few times and skip all the trash mobs and go right to the bosses thus farming badges was kind of broken.

I'm sure this is well a known bug, hopefully will be looked at before release.

ghost commented 12 years ago

Instance:shattered halls normal

Portal: Shown outside//not shown inside. No exit portal.

Add again most of them only drops gold. should be cloth also, and other random stuff.

When u enter the first room, were there are a pack of grps 3,2,2 Those grps are linked together, somehow, or got long pull range, it shoud be fixed, its supposed that u can drag on grp at the time. [id-16594+17083+17694]

the long coridoor fight works alright BUT, when u start attacking first mob, just inside the coridoor, he shoud yell And all shoud appear at theyr positions,, first player visual the the first mob, the hand legionair shoud yell and all shoud appear and stand at theyr positions,

[id-17464] Are supposed to atack each other "like gladiators" while [id-17465] are commanding them, They shoud stop at 10% hp, and gain hp back (and stand still for like 5 sec) after that beging again, (its supposed to be hard mobs, and needed to pull while everyone are at 10-15% hp.)

Ads Air bugging: NPC id + Specefic bug noticed: 16808+ i recommend that u check all inside an instance were the ads arent suposed to fly, They are all trying to fly with u if ur in the air. the ads spawning from boss are air bugging too, they despawn correctly if party dies.

Boss specefik bug noticed: [id-16807] It seems to work fine, But Shadow Sear ability are bugged,

boss [id-20923] Arent working correcly, there are 2x of them, not suposed They way to this boss are also messed up, its supposed that there shoud come some "Fire from above" & ads shoud running towards u, some of them, but they all stand still, The deficult about this fight is, that Its supossed that u cannot clear this room with gething out of combat, Thats the hard part of it, u will be in combat all the time, and therefore cant drink/eat or rezz.. But at the end, just before boss, its possible to go out of comabt.

[id-16808] He dosent drop the current loot, he needed to drop. + almost every mob dosent drop what suposed to, Else seems fine, But [id-17695] are linked to the boss fight, and thats wrong - It would make the Boss fight really hard. they are supposed to stand behind him down the stairs not at the platform, (after killing boss, ull head down the stairs towards exit - there those 3 rogues are [id-17695]

Sideways commented 12 years ago

This requires an updated and better structured report.