FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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Tailoring times #1625

Closed Alorain closed 11 years ago

Alorain commented 11 years ago

The crafting times on many tailoring recipes are too long. I don't have a complete list, but having leveled tailoring up to 300 now I've noticed it in basically every actual gear piece I've made. I can give the example of the Runecloth Belt http://old.wowhead.com/spell=18402 which is supposed to take 8 seconds, while on Archangel it takes 25. Looking at the wowhead comments, there was a post during 2.4.3. confirming it's supposed to be 8 seconds and not a change introduced later. This is just one example. I'm pretty sure nearly every recipe I've tried while leveling was taking 25 seconds.

Bolts also seem to be taking too long. This says 2 seconds http://old.wowhead.com/spell=18401 while on Archangel the time is 5 seconds.

It may not seem like much, but it adds up when you're making a bunch of stuff.

I know this is probably low on the priority chart of needed fixes since it's far from game breaking, but it's also probably a fairly simple fix whenever you guys get the time.

Databasegm commented 11 years ago

Every cast time is fine for crafting. Those belts take 45 ish seconds to craft on 1.12.

That huge nerf happend in patch 3.0 or soon after.

Alorain commented 11 years ago

I'm not trying to be rude or combative, so I apologize if anything comes across as that, but:

How do you explain the comment made by Ethraax on this wowhead page http://old.wowhead.com/spell=18402#comments clearly stating that the creation time is 8 seconds. The post was made and edited during 2.4.3.

I find it hard to believe that Blizz would lower the creation times across the board, as per http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_2.0.1#Professions yet leave every green item creation time at the minimum time to craft an epic - 25 seconds.

I will concede that the bolt creation time may be correct as per http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_3.0.2_%28undocumented_changes%29#Tailoring but the item creation times are wrong. I leveled tailoring (a couple times) during BC. I don't think I would have had the patience for something like 5 minutes just to make 12 greens while skilling up.

My ocd has made me scour the patch notes, documented and undocumented. I can't find anywhere outside of the two previous links that make mention of any tailoring cast time reductions. I also cannot find anywhere in the notes about anything that would have lowered the time from 45 seconds to 25 previous to 2.0.1. I would assume that is also an error with the 1.12 realms, though don't hold me to it.

It's not a huge deal that's going to ruin someone's life, but it isn't correct as per a 2.4.3 basis.

alp22 commented 11 years ago

It may be correct in terms of player's tailoring knowledge such as : A red skill level item to be crafted takes longer time that the same item which is in green skill level.

daxpedda commented 11 years ago

uhm, thats not right, i leveled couples of professions on retail during tbc: i had an addon which showed me the casting time and no, casting time is always the same, it doesnt matter if its an orange (there is no red u can craft .... lol), yellow, green or grey skill level

alp22 commented 11 years ago

ah k thank you. Seems memory didnt serve me right :) and true, red=orange