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Engineering in arena [Arena Gamebraking] #2360

Open Silfenix opened 11 years ago

Silfenix commented 11 years ago

At the moment players that have engi are able to use reflectors in arena. Those should not be usable in arena.

All of them are curently usable, shadow, fire and frost trinket. I do not have source to confirm this, but i am 100% sure they shouldn't be.

Mofoleone commented 11 years ago

You can use them, you were able to use them in arena due to 5 minute cooldown. They hardly reflect anything ^^

P.S. speaking of gamebreaking arena things, Ironfoe and Silent Fang. Yeah no ICD, get ironfoe proc, switch to 2h -> free windfury for everyone.

Anelith commented 11 years ago

The issue here is that the increased chance to resist/fizzle/fail against targets over level 60 does not apply, this is issue not only with the reflectors but with most of the Vanilla items that are having:

Chance to be resisted when used by players over level 60. Chance to fizzle when used against targets over level 60. Unreliable against targets higher than level 60.

However I'm not quite certain but I do believe that you shouldn't be able to use reflectors in arena.

@Mofoleone Ironfoe and Silent Fang never had ICD.

Databasegm commented 11 years ago

However you should not keep the extra swings when you swap weapons.

Silfenix commented 11 years ago

It is gamebraking since they do not fail ever vs targets 60+.. If ur RM or shadowplay, its quiet gamebraking. As for Ironfoe, its useless, its proc is so rare that its no good. :)

Mofoleone commented 11 years ago

I agree but more important would be to fix spells that ignore defensive mechanics. I myself made trinkets and seems fair against mage from who it's impossible to resist silence or spelsteal. Gives you blizzlike chance to fight properly against them at least. Just my 2 cents.

P.S. Ironfoe proc is just lame here, I can 1 shot anyone with proc, easy 8k damage and don't wanna name anyone but people tend to use it in arena especially high rated people.

Silfenix commented 11 years ago

Warlee and myself, got 2 silnce ressists by druid in one game. So there is something wierd going on with it. As for fairness idk. Reflecting 4k dmg with vanilla trinket that should rarely work vs 70s is just lame..