FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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[ITEM] Eye of Gruul #2656

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Eye of Gruul: ID = 28823

How it currently works: Procs ~2% on each cast, no matter how many targets you hit . [(1 - (0,98^1) = 2%]

How it should work: ~2% proc on each target you hit. [If "y" is the amount of affected targets: (1 - (0,98^y) = chance)]

By earlin (165 – 1) on 2008/01/14 (Patch 2.3.2)

This trinket only shines on Holy priests using Circle of Healing and Resto shamans using chain heal. If CoH hits all 5 targets, the proc rate is 10%, making it a very nice trinket to have. If Chain heal hits all 3 targets, the proc rate is 6%. For any other healers, 2% is just too low. Paladins/Druids can find better trinkets than this.

jaxsonbateman on 2008/01/14 (Patch 2.3.2)

Your maths here is flawed. The proc rates are not 10% and 6% for CoH and Chain Heal. The chance that this won't proc on a single target is 98%. So for Circle of Healing, the chance that it won't proc at all is 0.98^5 = 90.39%, which means that the chance that it will proc on at least one target is 9.61%. Well, I guess for CoH it was close enough, but the maths logic was incorrect in that it could potentially be 100% if 50 people were healed, which is not the case (actually, it's only about 63.58% across 50 targets - who would have thunk it! =P) For CH it is 1 - (0.98^3) = 5.88%. Again

Fendall on 2008/01/23 (Patch 2.3.3)

Its also worth noting that this trinket reduces the cost of you next heal by 450 mana. And CoH costs...450 mana. Using this trinket with CoH is worth: (2% proc chance) * (number of people healed) * (450 mana) = 9 mana per person healed Spamming CoH every GCD gives this trinket an effective mp5 of: ((9 mana) * (5 people)) / 1.5 = 30 mana sec = 150 mp5!

Triokon commented 11 years ago

We did several tests with Circle of Healing (Priest) and Chain Heal (Shaman). It didn't matter how many targets were healed: The proc chance was always 2% for us.

The bug was already fixed in https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker/issues/1514 : Unfortunately it broke again. Could be related with the fix of: https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker/issues/2220

Redproduction guide:

To test this, you will need 3 clients.

Client 1: Create a Human Priest .levelup 69 .learn 34866 (Circle of Healing, Rank 5) .add 28823 (Eye of Gruul, trinket) .mod mana 1500000000 .t Shattrath .gm off .gm visible on

Client 2: Create a Human Warrior .levelup 69 .t Shattrath .gm off .gm visible on

Client 3: Create a Dwarf Warrior .levelup 69 .t Shattrath .gm off .gm visible on

How to reproduce:

Nick91 commented 11 years ago

Eye of Gruul seems to work correctly on the PTR. Test data from the PTR 13/7/4, 13/7/8:

Spell                       | Tar. | Casts | Procs | Chance
Binding Heal(Rank 1)        | 2    | 2000  | 56    | 2.80%
Flash Heal(Rank 1)          | 1    | 2000  | 32    | 1.60%
Chain Heal(Rank 1)          | 3    | 2000  | 110   | 5.50%
Lesser Healing Wave(Rank 1) | 1    | 2000  | 42    | 2.10%
Nick91 commented 11 years ago

Test data from the PLTR 13/7/10:

Spell                     | Tar. | Casts | Procs | Chance
Circle of Healing(Rank 1) | 1    | 1000  | 29    | 2.90%
Circle of Healing(Rank 1) | 10   | 1000  | 27    | 2.70%
wlfbck commented 10 years ago

Mhm Nick91, wouldn't your data suggest that it's actually not working for CoH? Since the chance is roughly the same for 1 and 10 targets, not to mention it's half of what chain heal gets with only 3 targets. (How is it looking for Prayer of Healing btw?)

Nick91 commented 10 years ago

Notice the wording (PTR, PLTR, mind the L), those were two different testing realms.

Prayer of Healing should have the same behaviour as Circle of Healing.

wlfbck commented 10 years ago

Ah sorry, didn't see the L there. Honestly i'm a bit confused right now; The order is PTR -> PLTR -> Live, right? Doesn't that mean CoH was just still wrong at that point on PLTR and should now have a chance higher than Chain Heal? Thanks in advance for clarifying that for me :)

Nick91 commented 10 years ago

All that says basically is on June 8, 2013 the trinket worked as intended on the PTR, wheras it didn't on June 10, 2013 on the PLTR - I just took CoH to quickly get a precise result (2.7% vs. the expected 18.3%) to determine whether its broken on the PLTR or was actually already fixed (I think it was a clone of Live, so the PLTR test was to check whether this was already fixed on Live or not).

I can't tell you how it works currently since I'm no longer part of the testing team and thus don't have access to the testing environment anymore.