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[MAGE][Frost Nova/Frostbite/Freeze] Damage threshold #2908

Open warlee opened 11 years ago

warlee commented 11 years ago

Current situation: Frost Nova/Frostbite/Freeze damage threshold is around 1100! damage(! stands for critical). Generaly its breaking on Water's Elemental Waterbolt crit and when you cast Shatter it breaks after Frostbolt + Ice Lance(despite crit or hit).

Desired situation: The damage threshold should have 2 variants - it should have increasing chance to break on each incoming hit and average number of damage it can take(limited to maximum 40% hp of the target). On retail Frost Nova threshold was enough to take full shatter(frostbolt + ice lance) crit and in 80% of the situations take another Ice Lance hit/crit.

'With ice lance... I could occasionally string 3 (and once even 4) crit ice lances in a row... 1.6-1.8K per hit.

So, In 3 seconds, that's 4.8 - 5.4K Damage. I'd say 3K is 'normal' because I can almost always get 2 ice lances off and the crit rate on that is around 78%.'

The chance to break on each incoming hit and the threshold should be adjusted. In the addition ANY damage threshold in TBC should ignore 'absorbed'. Threshold only works for damage that literaly took health points away. That was changed in late 2011.

Anelith commented 11 years ago

Not much video proof that I found but this might be something: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1-zvAxeJmw&feature=player_detailpage#t=563s However it was indeed possible to get Bolt + Lance without breaking the Freeze/Nova.

griesakanik commented 11 years ago

well you can read that at wowiki aswell

From a decent range(~20y), target your enemy and begin casting your [Frostbolt]. While Frostbolt is casting, use the minion's Freeze on your enemy, and immediately when Frostbolt is done casting start spamming Ice Lance. Because of the distance and travel time, Frostbolt and Ice Lance should hit at the same time and both crit, leading to burst damage of up to ~5000.


but the -range- is important, its certainly not a guareanteed 100 /100 crit smaller thatn 20 yards

Warlee: this comment is irrelevant to the subject

Baptazia commented 10 years ago

Was not the 3-4x Ice Lance Shatter due to the benefit of spell haste and the reduced global cooldown? Casting at decent range and jumping "backwards" together with spell haste allowed us the triple Shatter if I remember right