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T6 raid bosses. #3368

Open kauski opened 10 years ago

kauski commented 10 years ago

Supremus: players who ankh can start resurrectin other players as they dont get in combat after ankh possibly work with soulstone/battle res, so basically resurrected player doesnt get in combat and if that is a class that is able to resurrect other players, it can be bug abused to resurrect everyone who are dead.

Teron gorefiend: classes that use pets (hunter) dont turn into ghosts when they die for debuff, they should turn into ghost, but wont, (dissmissin pet before dieng for debuff) works to remove the bug, but still it shouldnt be that way you would need to dissmiss pet before dieng to turn into ghost.

also on teron gorefiend, hunter frost trap slows the ghosts by 50%, when it should not.

Anetheron: spawnin of infernal can be interrupted by few classes, hunter, rogue, (maybe mage aswell), feign death if he targets hunter, dont know what spell rogue can use to interrupt it, but its something like cloakin ( sry not super familiar with rogue class) and maybe mage with invisibility, havent tested the mage invisibility does it interrupt

so boss need to target the player who uses spell to interrupt it, mostly spells that resets your threat.

infernals also spawn on anetheron, when they should spawn on the targetted player.

azgalor: Doomguard spawn can be avoided with dieng to the boss cleave/rain of fire when you get the doom debuff.

mother shaz: can teleport off tanks ( not 100% sure if its a bug or not, but i dont remember it doing that on retail)

Illidari council: loot bug, kill all 3 and leave 1 alive and 0 dots etc on the last remainin boss, loot fast and wipe the raid, boss resets and do it again and get unlimited amounts of council loots.

High Nethermancer Zerevor: not rebuffin herself with dampen magic, resultin into tank dieng unless he uses arcane resistance gear.

Veras Darkshadow on illidari council, after turning invisible, it almost 1 shots the player he jumps on, on retail it didnt kill targetted player at 0,5 sec time

gurtogg bloodboill: fel rage aka phase2, can target pets, when it should not.

kauski commented 10 years ago

edit: severe bosses are possible to kite with hunter 30% movement aspect, cause boss movement speed is too slow, works even after enrage.

Madness of the Betrayer item, 100% uptime, no hidden cooldown, when it should have a hidden cooldown.

Centan commented 10 years ago

"Madness of the Betrayer item, 100% uptime, no hidden cooldown, when it should have a hidden cooldown." Thats not quite right. Madness shouldn´t have a hidden cooldown. Its procrate is just way to high

wlfbck commented 10 years ago

Yeap, MotB should have no cooldown: http://web.archive.org/web/20130210022157/http://elitistjerks.com/f15/t11325-procs_without_internal_cooldowns/

@kauski You should probably make seperate issues for each problem, that's how the issuetracker usually works.

MrRauff commented 10 years ago

I have never not turned into a ghost as a hunter, and I always have my pet out. Never had any problems with using pet on Teron gorefiend.

brothell commented 10 years ago

Teron is able to target the you when you are in ghost form. This means after you die in ghost form you will spawn another 4 constructs but you will not be in ghost so you can't kill them.