Note: Demoralizing Roar, Curse of Weakness and Demoralizing Shout do not stack.
Neither Curse of Weakness, Demoralizing Shout nor Demoralizing Roar stack. One can overwrite the other if it has a greater AP reduction, depending on talents. The curse is generally the strongest, but can be overwritten by a talented shout. An untalented shout can be overwritten by a talented roar.
Note that the different ranks of screech stack with each other which allows the use of two owls utilizing the two highest-ranks of screech respectively for a total of an aoe effect of -310 attack power
The problem
The calculation of the damage increase/ decrease from NPCs through manipulative abilities are wrong. If you reduce the attack power to 0, the dps should decrease by 15%.
Some sources
The damage from NPCs should calculated like this
_(Damage_from_AttackPower + Base_WeaponDamage) * Multiplier.
... bosses have higher multiplier than trash mobs. That means -attack power debuffs have significant effect on raid mobs.
Disarming is highly useful against mobs that wield weapons, which almost strictly means humanoids and demons. The damage reduction is marked, as much as 50-70%.
The _Damage_fromAttackPower is capped by 334 attack power or approx 15% of the damage of a NPC.
Druid avg damage taken:
no AP debuff: 101 hits -> 325.1 (1032.1 base)
-248 AP debuff: 135 hits -> 288.6 ( 916.2 base)
debuff reduction: 36.5 (115.9 base) = 11.2%
Assuming the AP damage reduction is linear, this NPC's damage is reduced by 1% for every 22 AP. With a base damage of ~1000, this NPC's damage/AP ratio is 1 damage for ~2.2 AP. The DPS/AP ratio is not determined, since I did not measure the NPC's swing time.
If the above values are accurate, the NPC has around 334 AP to start with. The additional 90 AP reduction from 5/5 Improved Demo Shout does not appear to be useful here. If this NPC is an average encounter, it would indicate that 2/5 Imp Demo Shout (-348 AP) is enough to remove all available AP from NPCs of this level.
For raid encounters: the 15.2% reduction I observed through damage testing is very close to the 15.1% as reported by Dots (EJ thread), when using Beast Lore on The Lurker Below. This suggests that AP values are not increasing much at all from lv69 elites to lv73 bosses. This indicates that 2/5 Imp Demo Shout is sufficient at the raid level, as well.
There are some special cases where AP reduction beyond baseline might be worthwhile. Certain encounters could have NPCs with extra AP (either base, or through buffs during the fight). It could also be used to avoid the drawback of using Curse of Recklessness to boost damage to the target. If your party/raid is interested in either of those scenarios, then 5/5 Imp Demo Shout (or Imp Curse of Weakness) may be worthwhile to keep.
It should be noted that only two ranks (2/5) effectively work against bosses, unless the boss is afflicted with Curse of Recklessness, in which case all five ranks (5/5) are effective
Two points in Improved Demoralizing Shout is enough to reduce a boss's Attack Power to 0 unless Curse of Recklessness is up. If your guild uses Curse of Recklessness, then 5 points is needed.
The further addition of 2/5 [Improved Demoralizing Shout] will allow the warrior to reduce even raid boss' attack power to 0, without relying on a DPS warrior or off-tank (further points in the talent are not beneficial unless [Curse of Recklessness] is used).
Attack power manipulative abilities
Note: Demoralizing Roar, Curse of Weakness and Demoralizing Shout do not stack. Source
Screech stack with other abilities
Different ranks of screech stack with each other
The calculation of the damage increase/ decrease from NPCs through manipulative abilities are wrong. If you reduce the attack power to 0, the dps should decrease by 15%.
Some sources
The damage from NPCs should calculated like this wowwiki
The _Base_WeaponDamage should be around 50%-70% of the damage (wowwiki](
The _Damage_fromAttackPower is capped by 334 attack power or approx 15% of the damage of a NPC. worldofwarcraft