[x] npc Dark Iron Kidnapper have wrong weapon model, should have Fine Scimitar. When they start attacking, should yell "Let me give you my regards for Greatfather Winter, scum." ( link )
[x] npc Metzen the Reindeer missed his dialogue and quest just auto-completing after click on him. How it should be:
When you talk to him:
Around this reindeer's neck is a tag with the Smokywood Pastures logo on it and a name - "Metzen".
Metzen looks at you with sad, forlorn eyes. It is almost as if the reindeer has been immobilized by some unseen force.
-> Sprinkle some of the reindeer dust onto Metzen.
Metzen's eyes light up with reindeer joy. It's you sprinkle dust on him. He shakes his antlers at you and breathes out a heavy sigh of what sounds relief.
Around you, magical energy begins to swift. It would seem that something is about to happen!
After click to phrase "Sprinkle some of the reindeer dust onto Metzen." quest should be completed and npc Metzen the Reindeer should start ground-animation as "paladin summoning charger" within 4 seconds, then using animation as "new mob spawns" and disappears.
Seasonal quests Metzen The Reindeer on both sides have some issues. 1) Quest Metzen The Reindeer (Horde side):
2) Quest Metzen the Reindeer (Alliance side):
When you talk to him:
After click to phrase "Sprinkle some of the reindeer dust onto Metzen." quest should be completed and npc Metzen the Reindeer should start ground-animation as "paladin summoning charger" within 4 seconds, then using animation as "new mob spawns" and disappears.