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Heroic Training Dummy is not affected by armor penetration #3776

Open twinkedup opened 8 years ago

twinkedup commented 8 years ago

Topic pretty much summs it up. Tested 140 vs 1540 armor penetration on player with 3000 armor, it gave approx 11% dps increase, yet absolutely 0% increase on the Heroic training dummy which should have the usual boss armor value = ~8k

Jandis commented 8 years ago

I was unable to confirm this.

DPS isn't a very good metric to measure this by, you should instead use max hit as it will not fluctuate from session to session or with latency.

A heroic training dummy has 7700 armor, using the following formula we can obtain our expected maximum hit against it with no debuffs:

1 - 7700 / ( 7700 - 22167.5 + 467.5 * 70 ) = x

or WITH armor pen:

1 - (7700 - armor pen ) / ( (7700 - armor pen) - 22167.5 + 467.5 * 70 ) = x

Then we can multiply this by our maximum damage as represented in our character panel.

My calculated maximum hit , accounting for armor pen, was 190. This fits well to my data and the 1 damage difference can just be tossed out as rounding error.

Nzzoth commented 8 years ago

Impressive Jandis, although you have given really solid data and supported it with evidence I will see it for myself aswell on PTR. Nontheless thank you for your input. Both of you. Have fun and have a nice day.

twinkedup commented 8 years ago

By "no dps increase" I meant I registered a lot of hits in basic attacks and compared the crit/hit averages, ending up with same numbers.

Cerebov commented 8 years ago

data given by Jandis is not enough to prove anything. You really need more Arp to make results more obvious. And max hit numbers can be very different from session to session.

twinkedup commented 8 years ago

Well, when I tested on a friend in a duel, the increase/decrease was instant, with little variation from weapon damage range, at all times I tested. The "low sample size" is really not an argument here. All they gotta do is check the armor values, I'm pretty sure they are not scripted at all. If they were 0, there would still be a damage increase.

Nzzoth commented 8 years ago

650 armor reduction from gear: http://prntscr.com/aift45 650+sunder: http://prntscr.com/aiftyt 2500+sunder: http://prntscr.com/aig1l5 2500 (without sunder): http://prntscr.com/aig4qf Even though I didn't follow the rules and I have more attack power (300 more) when I stacked Armor pen I believe the difference is clearly shown as 300 ap doesn't add almost 500 damage.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Armor Damage Reduction Formula

DR% = Armor / (Armor + (467.5 * AttackerLevel - 22167.5)

With a lvl 70 attacker you get:

Base stats

The Heroic Training Dummy got 7700 armor

With a lvl 70 attacker and 1116 ArP