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[Shaman][Dungeon] Shamans' totems are getting destroyed by various boss mechanics in Black Temple #3791

Open corcaroli opened 8 years ago

corcaroli commented 8 years ago

There are three issues about totems being destroyed during various encounters in BT, two of which have existed for quite some time already. Since another one recently arised i finally decided to report them.

1) The most recent issue. The last patch fixed Naj'entus's Needle Spine so that now it actually deals splash damage around it's targets. But if there are any totems on AOE of that spell, they will be destroyed by this damage as well.

2) There's a similar issue with Illidan Stormrage encounter. His ability Flame Burst, which he uses in the phase 4(demon phase), should do additional splash damage to any player who is closer than 5 yards to any other player. For some reason this ability affects totems as well. Funny enough, at the same time it doesn't do additional damage to any player who stands close to totems.

3) Teron Gorefiend's Doom Blossoms can cast Shadow Bolts not only at players, but also at totems, which is really annoying.

I've searched around(on wowwiki and wowhead) for a bit and so far had't found any evidence that any of these abilities should be able to destroy shamans' totems. These issues(especially the 1st and the 3rd) really hinder shamans' performance by forcing them spend more time replacing destroyed totems.

devidao commented 8 years ago

Fixed all mentioned issues, coming soon on PTR

corcaroli commented 8 years ago

Posting this just in case you want some evidence.

On this video you can see that totems are not destroyed by Needle Spine splash damage, like at 1:24 time mark as a specific example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8yc_XWbdQw

And on this video at 10:40, in the right part of the screen, you can see totem not being destroyed by Flame Burst even though there was a player standing near it(you can see a searing totem dying at the same time, but i suppose that happened because its duration had just ended or maybe it had been recalled). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8_JbDiALkY

Funny enough, but on this video you can actually see a totem being destroyed by Teron Gorefiend's Doom Blossom(at 1:18, left side of the screen): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkrjzsluP6k That means that the 3rd issue in my OP is actually an intended behavior of the boss mechanics.

I believe all those videos can be trusted since they all claim to be Nihilum's records.