FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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t6 raid bosses / spell interrupt #3826

Open kauski opened 7 years ago

kauski commented 7 years ago

Teron gorefiend: does not show targetoftarget when he casts Shadow of Death, as it can be interrupted by the targeted player, mages with invisibility? hunters feign death 100% and rogues vanish.

Also shariva posted earlier about Anetheron infernal cast being interrupted by hunters mages rogues, it worked normally before, but you believed a guy like shariva who doesnt know mechanics of tier6 raid bosses, you changed anetheron that its no longer possible to interrupt his infernal cast.

So basically you are able to interrupt anetheron infernal spawn cast with some classes, hunters, mages and rogues on the live wow back on TBC version.

PLease dont believe everything that shariva says hes a mage and he thinks he is right but hes not.

kauski commented 7 years ago

-^ infernal/shadow of death are similiar interruptable such as archimonde airburst by some classes.

Applescruffs commented 7 years ago

Maybe you should leave a comment on the specific issue that you think they fixed incorrectly with some proof? Instead of just expecting the developers to believe that you, instead of Shariva, are correct.