FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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Too few talent points and no talent save. #494

Closed txcofdoom closed 12 years ago

txcofdoom commented 12 years ago

Report ID: N/A

Reporter Name: Meslow

Date/Time: 8 march 2012, 01:33 ST.

Error Severity: Annoying but not severe.

Zone/Instance: N/A

What type of error occurred?: Talent related error.

What was the actual result vs. the expected result?: Actual result: After server reboot and/or being kicked off the server for "hacking" accusements I have to respend my talent points and also I have 59 talent points each time, these two "missing" points are automatically spent in the Feral Combat Tree although I have 0/5 Feral Aggression and 0/5 Ferocity.

Expected result: Talent points being saved in where I put them and having 61 talent points altogether to spend.

Can the error be repeated? If so, what are the steps?: Restart the server and it should be back.

Are you able to provide visual evidence?: Don't have any at the moment but if I get thrown off again I will take a bunch of screenshots and post it in this issue if the option remains after it's posted.

Please detail your character’s race, class, and items (optional): Meslow, level 60 Night Elf Druid, 6(8)/11/42 Restoration (how I spend the talents each time, including the two missing talents), outland leveling gear mostly some green items.

cynethen commented 12 years ago

I had this same problem, also started occurring after a crash the day before yesterday. I got the two points back by unlearning all talents for probably the 15th time in 2 days and somehow made them stay this time. I'm guessing it's the server crashes that cause character rollback which affects talents. Also, there is a visual bug with Faerie Fire (Feral), it looks grey like there's no points allocated into it even if I have put 1 point in.

Aleksandru commented 12 years ago

when you reach max lvl try this: delete cache, wtf and disable addons.

Exodikai commented 12 years ago
