FeenixServerProject / Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker

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Doom lord Kazzak - Free loot due to the Heal Bug #555

Closed ArrowtoDaKnee closed 12 years ago

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Hey there the glorious population of the Feenix Archangel!

We all know how is it to be outran by the bugs so, Game Masters, you might want to look into the following issue:

Outdoor boos, located in Hellfire Peninsula - Doom lord Kazzak is SEVERELY bugged. He does not get healed when a player killed by him dies. That therefore makes him kill able with a-lot less effort than normally, making him a "free loot" boss.

Currently, there are quite a few members from a guild called "We all know who" running around with his loot which was gain by the abuses and poor non-retail script.

Please, look into it and remove the loot gained by the poor "easy to kill" script.


d3adeye commented 12 years ago

Easy to kill? You need atleast 30 geared people to kill him, also I represent SK, you got any proof about this? "which was gain by the abuses and poor non-retail script." We did not use kicks on doomwalker because we didn't even know about it until Alliance did it, nor LoS on Kazzak because we didn't want to get banned, so unless you got proof of our bug abusing you shouldn't point finger and talk bullshit because you probably didn't even try any of those bosses.

Verywiseman commented 12 years ago

Wonderful attempt! But still fail. This is just talk, you have no proof. Lateralus was caught red handed with video and should be banned for exploiting.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Proof lies in the fight itself mate. If you die, he wont get healed. Besides, you can always run back and re-fight since you dont get the debuff which makes him even easier.

Nuff said.

bonyhoe commented 12 years ago

implying we even die

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

So that is our bug abuse, it's not devs fault releasing not finished boss? So what part exactly did we abuse if we all stand on ramp, our positioning was blizzlike, we don't avoid shadow bolt volley, ALSO nobody ever dies because we had 8-10 healers. So yea, be jelly more about our achievements and continue to point finger at guild and talk shit without any proof whatsoever.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Getting a loot from bugged bosses is like taking a candy from a baby.

bonyhoe commented 12 years ago

let's close down all normal and heroic dungeons, bosses there ain't scripted 100% blizzlike. killing them is exploiting

Nomercyforyou commented 12 years ago

"So that is our bug abuse, it's not devs fault releasing not finished boss?" then why are u attacking other guildz about abusing when u are abusing on ur own ?

Verywiseman commented 12 years ago

"Getting a loot from bugged bosses is like taking a candy from a baby." Therefore you and lateralus should be banned. End of story.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

""Getting a loot from bugged bosses is like taking a candy from a baby." Therefore you and lateralus should be banned. End of story."

Why do you hate Lateralus so much? Did they interrupt your regular ezmoad Doomwalker routine?

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@Nomercyforyou I was asking is doing not finished boss with blizzlike tactics bug abuse, get more brain please. Why attacking other guild, here's why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXjhngxa9Uo&feature=youtu.be You got any proof of SK Gaming doing this? I suppose no, so all you can do is talk shit.

Nomercyforyou commented 12 years ago

Ofc , Thats why sk gamerz are posting about abusing they want to be the best but somehow and ally guild INTERRUPTS them o.O

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

They got jelly and got DW despawned. Now they cry becouse their precious loot vendor is gone :<

The saddest story ever written :<

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@Nomercyforyou sorry to say, but you are retarded. Look here: https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker/issues/527 Look at date of report I made, you think I would make bug report knowing our guild is abusing those and risking of getting banned? Gtfo this discussion, you're not even competent.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

"@Nomercyforyou sorry to say, but you are retarded. Look here: https://github.com/FeenixServerProject/Archangel_2.4.3_Bugtracker/issues/527 Look at date of report I made, you think I would make bug report knowing our guild is abusing those and risking of getting banned? Gtfo this discussion, you're not even competent."

Nice insults there, see you on the court mate!

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@ArrowtoDaKnee You see anyone from SK even talking about loot? I don't.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Why are you beeing such a hothead then?

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@ArrowtoDaKnee Because you are accusing us of something we didn't do, nor you have any proof of it.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Fail even more. It was SK who reported the guild Lateralus for the abusing. The guild didnt know the fight so they used every possible way to killl DW. I dont see anything wrong with that besides enjoying the game and trying to achieve something there.

You clearly got a problem with that..

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

And now the bugtracker is the local Code of Honor which we must stricktly obey or some people might enrage due to the ignorance of the important facts.

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

You are also retarded. I came here because you accused SK for bug abusing without any proof. Oh, so you don't see any problem with Lateralus exploiting bugs on boss, but you have problem with SK having those loots? Just give it up.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Please, take your anger elsewhere. Your playing for free so therefore please do us a little favour and stop hating the other community for trying to enjoy the game.

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

And you take your bullshit accusations without any kind of proof somewhere else also.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Proof lies in the fight itself. Easy as that.

bonyhoe commented 12 years ago

Bosses on private servers are generally badly scripted, this doesn't make killing them bug abusing. You yourself run half scripted heroics without any shameful thoughts, so do we run world bosses. And Kazzak is not even close to tank & spank, hitting tanks for 20k+ and shit, he has more HP than on retail also. All his abilities besides HP gain from kills do work. Before saying anything about taking candy from a baby you should try to do so with your guild if you have one, you will be very disappointed. OFC Capture soul should be fixed, and removing loot from this boss is up to admins to decide. But please, don't be so silly to call killing those bosses "bug abusing".

Manual bugging of bosses(like lateralus did) - bugabusing that should be punished. Feel the difference?

Also, gz SK gaming and Lateralus for server first guild drama.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

From what I was beeing told, Lateralus had no clue how to do the boss so they just used everything they could. If the boss was interruptable, that is not their problem, its servers.

Lets all make a drama now how the loot from every bugged heroic stuneable boss should be removed and people abusing it banned.

This is pathetic. Lets make some love instead of arguing over pointless acusations and competing for the pointless goals.

God bless America!

Fattmatt commented 12 years ago

"So that is our bug abuse, it's not devs fault releasing not finished boss?" Yet you go emo over people accusing you and your guild for bugging Kazzak (which you did since you admitted it and people who was spectating near Kazzak saw it themselves) but its totally fine for you if people flame & blame Lateralus for bug abuse (which they also did but that also goes for ur own comment above), so perhaps they should remove Kazzak temporarily and remove ur loot aswell then.

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

Alliance was reported for Doomwalker, thank you, nice try. Also, "which you did since you admitted it and people who was spectating near Kazzak saw it themselves)" Admited how? We were doing boss with blizzlike tactics, spectators have proof of bug abusing? Guess no, another non competent bullshit talker,ty. Inb4 you need more brains like that other guy who also said I admited bug abusing, I ASKED if bug abusing is doing boss blizzlike tactics, and you interprent that as admiting of bug abuse, please more brains next time.

Krakh commented 12 years ago


Shame on you Lateralus. Lets see what the admins have to say when they hear about this.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Blizzlike tactic on nonblizzlike boss? Whats that?

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

And once again, Lateralus did not know whats the real DW tactic so they used everything they could.

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@ArrowtoDaKnee you wouldn't know, you only do ramparts normal ;)

bonyhoe commented 12 years ago

"which you did since you admitted it and people who was spectating near Kazzak saw it themselves"

We are yet to see any proof of SK somehow manually bugging Kazzak. Maybe you can describe it in words, mr. Lateralus guy?

"From what I was beeing told, Lateralus had no clue how to do the boss so they just used everything they could. If the boss was interruptable, that is not their problem, its servers."

"God bless America"

We didn't know you can't stun muffuckin' BOSSES, it's not our fault! Oh god I can't stop laughing.

It's seems like ArrowtoDaKnee "representing" Lateralus is trying to fuel hatred between our 2 guilds and make Lateralus look like children. Please stop trolling.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

You stupid everyday or just today?

Verywiseman commented 12 years ago

" The guild didnt know the fight so they used every possible way to killl DW. I dont see anything wrong with that besides enjoying the game and trying to achieve something there."

That is bullshit and you know it. You are trying to tell me not even one of lateral guild members has read up on doomwalker or known about his abilities? I mean common... stun on a world boss? How moronic can you be?

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Seems enough moronic that you have a serious problem and levitating with it.

Verywiseman commented 12 years ago

Wow your replies just fail....

skwwwy commented 12 years ago

I dont read all of this but what i can say SK GUILD WAS SPAMMING ON WORLD THEY HAVE KAZZAK DOOMWALKER ON FARM so at that point yea there is a proof u was killing bugged bosses without report GZ SK spamming about farming bugged bosses pro guild :)

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

@skwwwy Hey derp, we did Kazzak today again, when person dies he heals himself, so all you heroes running around yelling he doesn't heal up on players death, he is bugged, free loot etc, are just bunch of ramparts normal raiders who didn't even engage Kazzak, but you feel competent to shit on other guilds achievements, please stop posting bullshit and talking stuff you can't back up.

skwwwy commented 12 years ago

@d3adeye o rly 2 days ago i seen your guild mate spamming it more then 2 days ago so what u talking about man

d3adeye commented 12 years ago

Yes and? None of our players died during previous encounters, today there was deaths on raid and Kazzak got healed, so much for free loot randoms yelling around without any proof, I however can't even realise why do you feel you're even competent enough to speak here when you haven't even tried Kazzak, all you got are some rumors that someone told you, and that someone heard it from someone else, like little kids playing broken telephone. Won't be replying to moronic and fail replies/accusations anymore, Kazzak is getting healed on deaths, I myself reported Doomwalker 2 days ago, so all your accusations are fail, Deadeye over and out.

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

Heroes of the private server, arise!

skwwwy commented 12 years ago

d3adeye ok we are all happy its work fine now but we not talkin about what happened now we talkin about what was in the past so dont be mad , and we just complain about bugged bosses with drop loot so man stop, be happy u saved your loot from those bad bosses and end of the story issue can be closed then .

Arbitrium commented 12 years ago

This Boss worx very good here.

When someone dies he heals himself. Nice scripted.

and @ Arrow: Envy detected.

Hatredtherealone commented 12 years ago

Reporting that something is bugged and haven't checked yourself makes your just jelly lobster is that all Lateralus can , your ego just don't fit your randomness.That's called owning yourself Arrow:D

ArrowtoDaKnee commented 12 years ago

A group of Alliance guys checked the issue and the heal was not there when this current bug was reported. So cut your bullshit and dont talk shit if you dont know what the issues are.

Arbitrium commented 12 years ago

Lateralus cant down a "bugged" boss and thats why we are the bugabuser?

Hatredtherealone commented 12 years ago

We all saw your efforts buddy take your last pieces of pride ,and really learn to play without abusing something you can control ,that is the way you want your guild to be seen in the future .Ask yourself is that the fame every feenix gamer should remeber about Lateralus?

Archangelas commented 12 years ago
