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Partial resists on moonkin(pve) #110

Open Tarhunzas opened 7 years ago

Tarhunzas commented 7 years ago

As far as I remember I dont need spell penetration on pve. Atm I have 286 hit rating and 45 spell penetration and I might get more spell penetration just to test it but I dont think that should be necessary. Here are some screenshot from a heroic dungeon. And if this was intended how much spell penetration will I need? wowscrnshot_021817_000415

wowscrnshot_021817_001220 wowscrnshot_021817_001113 wowscrnshot_021817_000932 wowscrnshot_021817_000928


Tarhunzas commented 7 years ago

I got some more screenshots on my hunter but here is one of them with curse of elements on this boss. And yea I still see the partial resists on targets with curse of elements of them. 1

GCatalinStefan commented 7 years ago

Same issue on Retri Paladin.

Spells that get partial resists (for %10 - %20 of their dmg): Seal of Corruption 5 stacks proc Blood Corruotio (Seal of Corruption's dot debuff) Consectation Righteous Vengeance Judgement

This happens everytime. I will upload some screenshots for now, Video coming later this day.

http://imgur.com/a/Ao1I9 Here are some underlined logs. more clear ones to come. http://imgur.com/a/eRseg

Short instructage:

The numbers ar eon the right side of the screen. The 4k+ crits are judgements, The other criticals are from the seal proc. The 800 thicks are form Seal of Corruption. The spells are represented by their icons. I have added some logs aswell. I will cut them later formthe screens and underline only the relevant details.

GCatalinStefan commented 7 years ago


Brutty commented 7 years ago


dangreenberggit commented 7 years ago

While this mechanic applies for all spell damage, I'll address Holy mainly because it is a little trickier to learn about. From the WoWiki Holy Resistance page during TBC: 

Holy resistance does not currently exist as a visible or collectible statistic in World of Warcraft. It only exists against PvE targets of a higher level.

Emphasis added. Your PVE targets are probably of a higher level, and their low amount of level-based resistance can cause all non-binary spell effects to be partially resisted. This aspect of gameplay is not usually discussed because level-based resistance on a target cannot be affected by a caster's spell penetration.

Here: Prot Pally stats from TBC showing resists Vanilla Paladin with resists in MC Partial resists for seal and judgment damage at 1:32, 2:07, 2:26.