FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

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[Hunter] Pets don't refill HP after dismount #171

Open Dakyo opened 7 years ago

Dakyo commented 7 years ago

Issue: Hunter pets (likely an issue for all pets?) Do not regen to full HP after a dismount, should happen every time, whether in Battlegrounds, out in the World, in instances, etc. The only place this shouldn't happen is in arenas (for obvious reasons, but also because pets don't go away when you mount up in arenas)

Video 1: https://youtu.be/64vATtTi1I8?t=41s - Video @ 0:41 seconds. Hunter dismounts, his pet wolf is summoned (@ ~50% hp), and as the wolf runs to attack a player, it regens to full. Other examples of this happening in this specific video are @1m04s, 1m40s, 2m40s the list goes on

Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtkraBQbpgI - @2m02s Kripp dismounts, pet HP dips, then instantly fills to full. Also happens @2m27s, 3m48s (transition is as he dismounts), 4m30s (also a dismount as the video transition happens), this video also has a ton of other sections that show this happening.

If these videos aren't enough proof I can certainly find more, the videos linked were uploaded to Youtube during WOTLK correct times.