FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

The official issue tracker for Wrath 3.3.5
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Auction House - Bid not refunding after self-outbid #182

Closed ukidono closed 7 years ago

ukidono commented 7 years ago

I've experienced this bug not too long ago. I bid on the item below for 71g, and than decided not to wait and bought it thinking the bid money should return back to me. Which seems to be bugged, i haven't got a notification that i was outbid and haven't received the bid money back either.

The bug looks like since it was me outbidding myself, it doesn't register the refund method. image

Bellzubab commented 7 years ago

Tried to replicate, but it was working as intended for me.

ukidono commented 7 years ago

@Bellzubab can you take a video of it working?

Here is your video proof of the so called bug.


Bellzubab commented 7 years ago

@ukidono Look at your actual gold total.

When you bid on it, you lose 3g88s59c.

When you buy it out, you only lost the difference between the bid and buy out amounts.

You started with 20366g24s85c (good lord, share the wealth pls)

You bid 3g88s59c, now your total is 20362g36s26c.

You buyout the item (at the cost of 4g99s61c), and your gold goes to 20361g25s24c. Meaning that only charged you 1g11s02c.

That number is the exact difference between your bid 3g88s59c and your buyout 4g99s61c. You didn't actually lose any money.