FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

The official issue tracker for Wrath 3.3.5
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20 minutes arena queue while people are queueing #191

Open madsoigard opened 7 years ago

madsoigard commented 7 years ago


Usually it's 4 minutes, but when the rating difference goes above a certain limit it skips to 20. No idea how big the rating difference is when this happens, but it should be like 5 minutes in queue max, before meeting the team closest to your rating, with a population this low (even that is a little much).

Bellzubab commented 7 years ago

Same issue, even with significantly less MMR than you.

https://puu.sh/uWWfZ/c140432f07.jpg (they were against an ally team and got several games in before we even had a chance to face anyone)

The entire queue system and MMR system need complete reworks.

Bellzubab commented 7 years ago

I think this could be fixed by lowering Arena.RatingDiscardTimer in worldserver.conf. Perhaps also changing Arena.MaxRatingDifference to a higher number.

I'd personally suggest 300000 (5 minutes) and 300, respectively.