FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

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Seemingly random deaths from falling damage during Wintergrasp battles #203

Open corcaroli opened 7 years ago

corcaroli commented 7 years ago

I'm experiencing this a lot lately. During battles for Wintergrasp at seemingly random moments of time I suddenly take full health falling damage and die, even though I haven't been falling. Here's a screenshot of the Recount addon death log, although I don't think it's convincing enough since it was taken after the battle finished. It's hard to provide any video evidence because this seems to happen randomly and thus I'm not prepared for that. I'll try to capture one of my deaths later, or at least to screenshot this right after the death.

A bit more information about this: both times I experienced this during the last Wintergrasp battle, it happened shortly(in a couple of seconds) after I entered the Sunken Ring Vehicle Workshop. Also, during battles I were defending Wintergrasp this happened to me several times after jumping from a unsignificant height, like places where siege cannons stand(players would take some damage upon falling from those places but definitely not die). Although sometimes I would die while just walking or even standing on the ground.

This issue might be hard to even reproduce, but I hope it will get fixed eventually.

corcaroli commented 7 years ago

I had a thought that this issue might be related to the fact that the graveyard of the defending faction is located much higher than the Wintergrasp itself; so the game for some reason would think that the descending players fall and somehow defer the deliverance of the falling damage. That's just a wild guess though.

corcaroli commented 7 years ago

There we go. This time even outside of Wintergrasp. Again, got no video because i wasn't prepared to this. :\ The time mark in the Recount log differs from the server time because it uses my local time, which is GMT+3. (that is, server time +1 hour)

Brutty commented 7 years ago

Man this is because u drive Mechano-hog...it's not about WG battle or anything else...just hog thingy

corcaroli commented 7 years ago

Oh gawd. Damn gnomish engineering man.