FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

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Reply-code alpha #205

Open tonystark9911 opened 7 years ago

tonystark9911 commented 7 years ago

got the item from algalon 10 man but i cant start the quest, it says i insuficient permitions

tonystark9911 commented 7 years ago

we tried trading it and came to the conclusion that only the person who did the algalon key quest can start quest.

HelloKitty commented 7 years ago

edit: below I was assuming that this wasn't the expected behavior. However, now I'm unsure. Wowiki lists it as a chain but WoWhead doesn't. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Quest:All_Is_Well_That_Ends_Well though WoWhead has a conflicting comment from 3.0.9

"It is not a continuation from the Celestial Planetarium Key quest."

So I don't know what to make of this.

10man Reply Code is trying to start this quest however quest ID 13631 has a quest_template_addon entry that has an entry for PrevQuestId which points to this Algalon chain quest as an explict requirement to accept the Reply Code quest.

The below is valid SQL to fix the issue but not the SQL required by TC updates to fix the issue. I'm too lazy to write that right now.

UPDATE `world`.`quest_template_addon` SET `PrevQuestID`='0' WHERE `ID`='13631';

This makes the quest acceptable by everyone and not just the attunement chain person. Though, quests aren't my strongsuit so this may have other side effects. I don't forsee any though.

For information on how the quest_template_addon prevquest definition works see here

if value > 0: Contains the previous quest id, that must be completed before this quest can be started. If value < 0: Contains the parent quest id, that must be active before this quest can be started.

HelloKitty commented 7 years ago

You will of course need to do the same for the 25man quest item and quest should you find that this behavior is not intended.

lajhar commented 7 years ago

Previous quest requirements removed, as many other players confirmed the issue and the way it should work. Soon on PTR

lajhar commented 7 years ago

Fix confirmed on PTR.