FeenixServerProject / Wrath_3.3.5_Issue_tracker

The official issue tracker for Wrath 3.3.5
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EoE buggy #214

Open hairychestfan opened 7 years ago

hairychestfan commented 7 years ago

Hi the raid 'The Eye of Eternity' 10/25 is bugged AF. boss appears to be facing one way but actually is facing another way therefore alot of people die from his breath he does due to thinking to be in the save place but actually are standing infront of him so thats one visual bug that needs to be fixed the second bug is that when he picks people up in his tornado thing you get stuck up in the air for some period and cant get down (sometimes you fall through the world aswell) and are in great risk of dying from his breath ability. also the sparks seem to have speedhack they travel to the boss very fast and are often not in position as we see them like for instance you see it in one place moving towards boss but actually its much further at boss already usually. phase 3 also tends to glitch out alot with lots of people just dying from some damage the drake spells tend to take 5 seconds to work like you press 1 1 2 it takes 5 sec after pressing 2 even if you have energy and stuff for the ability to be casted / land on the boss. the daily quest in coldarra where you learn to use the drakes their abilities seem to work much better then the drakes in the raid abilities ('Aces High' daily quest)