FeezyHendrix / Insta-mass-account-creator

Instagram Account Creator 2024 - Not Maintained
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More Firebase Issues #21

Closed NeverLucky2 closed 5 years ago

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Whenever I run botcore.py, I keep getting an issue when it tries to import firebase from firebase with:"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'firebase'". I have already tried to install firebase in, like, 3 different ways. I have installed firebase-token-generator and selenium too. Am I not configuring a path with chrome driver properly possibly? Also unfortunately I am using a mac so that may also cause problems as well...

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

make sure you are installing on python3 pip and not python 2

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Alright thanks, i'll check for that

tobeyond commented 5 years ago

I'm having the same issue with botcore.py!

python botcore.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "botcore.py", line 12, in <module>
    from modules.storeusernametofirebase import storeinfirebase
  File "C:\...\Insta-mass-account-creator-master\modules\storeusernametofirebase.py", line 1, in <module>
    from firebase import firebase
ImportError: cannot import name 'firebase' from 'firebase' (c:\...\insta-mass-account-creator-master\src\python-firebase\firebase\__init__.py)

I only have python 3.7 installed.

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Yes I have made sure it is python3 and im using 3.7 rn, sadly still same error. I tried it with 3.6 to get asynco to work too but that's still a tad wonky

sarahamaz8 commented 5 years ago

same error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "botcore.py", line 12, in from modules.storeusernametofirebase import storeinfirebase File "C:\Users.......\Insta-mass-account-creator\modules\storeusernametofirebase.py", line 1, in from firebase import firebase ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'firebase'

tobeyond commented 5 years ago

Are you sure you wrote it for python 3 not python 2? urlparse changed to urllib.parse and you used the former one. You might have mixed the entire library or used the old terms.

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

as a refresher, you use the command either pip3 or python3 for python 3 right? if not, what is the proper notation for python 3 and not 2

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

When i used the command python3 instad, async got an invalid syntax... time to go fix that first

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

I upgraded pip to pip3 and now firebase works fine, but it seems like async does not work still. People online are telling me to rename async to asynchronous but now asynchronous is not a valid command...

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

I'm on python 3.7 and people are saying that async is a reserved word too

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

But im still in the process of changing every line of code that says "async" into "asynchronous" so theres that

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Async and await are now new reserved words. When I try to use python 3.6, firebase no longer works and when I use python 3.7 by default, python cannot find a module named "firebase.asynchronous"... I'm rather stuck here

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

People are telling me to go back to python 3.6 for now. Ill try that

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

Hi, we are removing firebase as a means of storing the usernames. and there's a new update available, I would much appreciate for you to test. here https://github.com/FeezyHendrix/Insta-mass-account-creator/tree/update

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much. Ill test it as soon as i get my shit done lol

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

After downgrading to python 3.6.5_1, async should no longer pose a problem. After running everything, I ran into a problem: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/admin/Desktop/InstaBotsUpdate2.0/Insta-mass-account-creator-update/Version 2/create.py", line 1, in from modules import botcore File "/Users/admin/Desktop/InstaBotsUpdate2.0/Insta-mass-account-creator-update/Version 2/modules/botcore.py", line 3, in from generateaccountinformation import genName, username, genEmail ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'generateaccountinformation'

Is the module hiding behind another file which I may need to rename or somethin like that?

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

okay easy fix, i simply added a "." in front of generateaccountinformation and the other one. I'll keep trying other things to get this version to work

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

(Version 2)after changing asynchronous back to async in firebase.py somewhere in frameworks, ive encountered this: File "/Users/admin/Desktop/InstaBotsUpdate2.0/Insta-mass-account-creator-update/Version 2/modules/botcore.py", line 87, in runBot for i in range(Config['amount_of_run']): TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Ive changed that code into:"for i in range(Config('amount_of_run')):" and now that leads to this: File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/config.py", line 277, in defaultStreamOpener return ConfigInputStream(file(name, 'rb')) NameError: name 'file' is not defined

Then I replaced the word "file" with the command "open" and now this: File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/config.py", line 277, in defaultStreamOpener return ConfigInputStream(open(name, 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'amount_of_run'

That's about all imma work on today, I tried the URL for https://instausergenerator.firebaseio.com/ and it doesn't work for me, maybe that's what it's supposed to do idk but im done gnite

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

We aren't yet working on the storing part yet. Thanks for your feedback. We are thinking of a simple txt file to avoid the issues of firebase installation.

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

Can you make a simple pull request of all your changes

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Sure, I'll list my changes in the repo as well, right after class lol

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

That aside I have probably one more issue with firebase, how do i use a key?

firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(str(Config['instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com']),AIzaSyCWv3Exfp0ogdZS1B-e9MbHTcZNVuAV0uo) KeyError: 'instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com'

I put the api key in place of "None". How do I do this now

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

Did you change the settings in your rules of the databasr

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Cloud firestore doesn't let me change the rules but it is changed in realtime database

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

The project was setup to use real-time database not cloud firestore

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Aight ill keep lookin

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Lol turns out, again, it was a "me" problem. When I ran tests for firebase, i could not import FirebaseAuthentication. That may be the issue: from firebase import (FirebaseAuthentication, FirebaseApplication, ImportError: cannot import name 'FirebaseAuthentication'

tobeyond commented 5 years ago

I got:

python botcore.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "botcore.py", line 2, in <module> from .config import Config ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '__main__.config'; '__main__' is not a package

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

One possibility could be that there is no "init.py" in your directory. Check that first or maybe delete the "." because everybody's special and we all work a little differently lol

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

I didn't delete the "." and it works for me as an fyi

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

Okay this is probably the final thing: firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(str(Config['https://instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com']),None) KeyError: 'https://instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com'

How to i fix the KeyError?

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

The key doesn't exist in the configuration file

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

Check out python dictionaries. To fully understand what's going on

NeverLucky2 commented 5 years ago

I apologize for the noobish questions (since the main reason I wanna do this is to learn more python) but i've been looking all day and still have no idea where to put the key. My teacher just went over dictionaries in python about a week ago so i'm still new to dictionaries... here's the error now: firebase = firebase.FirebaseApplication(str(Config['instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com']),AIzaSyCWv3Exfp0ogdZS1B-e9MbHTcZNVuAV0uo) KeyError: 'instabots-e7e17.firebaseapp.com'

I put the key in place of "None"

FeezyHendrix commented 5 years ago

Add to the config dictionary ['firebase_url' : #your_firebase_url]